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I just wanted to make sure I didn't forget and wanted to take this opportunity to thank the caregivers on this site. Hopefully, I can thank you all again next year.

Especially those of you who have loved ones that have since passed, your compassion for the rest of us is amazing. Knowing that you will hopefully still be hear to comfort others after I'm gone is comforting to me. Thank you again for all that you do for your loved ones and the rest of us that were once strangers. It is soo appreciated.




Thanks for posting and not letting us forget about the caregivers who are the backbone for people with cancer/any serious health issue and they deserve many many thanks and approbation for there hard work, dedication and loyalty-- they certainly are our Unsung Heroes for sure!



Oh I don't like to think that caregivers are ever forgotten. It's an endless job (if thats what to call it). I've been blessed with wonderful caregivers and I too have been and still am a caregiver. We do what our hearts guide us to do.

I am so grateful to have my caregivers in my life, and I am grateful to have my lung cancer survivor buddies in my life( I don't know what I would do if I didn't have another survivor to compare notes with). Both help me through the bumps and lumps that this journey takes on us.

God Bless Us All.

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