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Baby Pics.....


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I just had to share these two latest pictures of my grandaughter, Ella. Can you believe she will be 1 year old in just two weeks? She's the joy of my life...all of the good things bundled up in one little 22 pound package! She's now walking, eating regular food, drinking from a sippy cup and....the most important....saying Nana!!!



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She is so cute! Aren't grandchildren wonderful? I have 2 great grand babies now. The little boy is 6 months old and the girl is 10 months old. I was there in Louisiana when she was born but I have not seen him yet. My grand daughter lives in Tennessee because her husband is stationed at Fort Campell. She will be down to Louisiana when I go for Christmas. I'll see her baby again and finally get to see my great grandson for the first time.

One thing nice they post pictures on My Space so I see up to date pictues and even vidios of them!

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I'm so glad Miss Ella made you smile! She always makes me smile! The next baby is due January 17th and we don't know if Ella is going to have a baby brother or sister, as her mom and dad want to be surprised...again. I can't wait to be a new grandma all over again!!! Thanks for all the sweet comments abut my little angel!!! Yes, Sue, this year has really flown by. Have no idea where the time goes but I do know the older I get, the faster time flies.

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Yes, Maryanne...there's another baby on the way. This baby is due January 17th. We don't know if this is going to be a boy or girl but we'll be thrilled with whatever God blesses us with. I've been spending more time with Ella, as I'll be helping her mom out a lot when the baby is born. Yippee!!!

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