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Broke my Clavacal 3 wks. ago and couldn't type!! Missed you

Patty Gottlieb

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I'm a survivor from not only LUNG CANCER, but a BROKEN CLAVACAL. Fell in my computer room right after I sent out messages to this board.

I'm getting better now. Had to postpone my CHEMO last week as I had a lung infection. Much better now.

Thank you Jesus. God is good and with all the wonderful prayer chains,I HAVEN'T GOTTEN ANY NEW CANCEROUS CELLS. Yippee!!!

Hugs and love from Patty


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Oh Patty I was wondering what happened to you. I was just about ready to send the troups out looking for you. :wink:


I am SOOOOO SAD to hear you broke your clavical! :cry:

I'm VERY GLAD TO SEE YOU POSTING and to know your on the mend my friend!

Don't push yourself to hard. Post when you feel up to it.

GET WELL SOON! I Missed You!

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So glad you are back up and running and that your CAT scan was good!!! Way to go!!

Broke my clavicle when I was a kid - ouch - all they could do was tape my arm to my chest and left me like that for 6 weeks - I was in elementary school and had to write with my left hand!!! So I know what a pain that is!!

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So glad you are back up and running and that your CAT scan was good!!! Way to go!!

Broke my clavicle when I was a kid - ouch - all they could do was tape my arm to my chest and left me like that for 6 weeks - I was in elementary school and had to write with my left hand!!! So I know what a pain that is!!

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Hi, Patty, good to see you're up and about. That's maybe a notch safer than up and running (sorry, Patti B, couldn't resist)! :P

I was going to ask you what the heck is a Nurse Rachet, but since nobody else had asked I decided to avoid embarrassment and check Google. Glad I did, not for the embarrassment angle (that sort of thing doesn't bother me any more fortunately), but because I was reminded of a classic movie (One Flew Over...) that I never got around to seeing which I can now look for on DVD. So thanks for that!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Katie B:

My broken clavical is on the mend. At least I'm able to type and communicate.

One funny thing happened through this catastrophe! The pain was soooo bad in the beginning. My husand said one night, I was calling out, MAMMA, MAMMA! (Forgeting when a lady is in pain, she sometimes calls out for her mother.)

Well, he ran around to my side of the bed, shook me and said, DON'T GO!!! DON'T GO!!! (He thought I was seeing my mother and leaving this world!!!) and I don't remember a thing. Slept through it. We still laugh about it.

Bye for now. Hugs, Patty

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