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a picture posting fool here


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well, I finally got off my behind and figured out how to do this myself instead of asking others. I posted a few in Ann's GTKY today, but "just for fun" and for picture-posting practice, here's Levi's first successful back-to-front roll (a few weeks ago, now), amazingly caught on film by a proud mom.




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Awsome pics Bunny. Those are great times. Seems like just yesterday we were waiting for jack to do that. Now at 3, we're trying to keep him from climbing on everything. I love the name Levi as well. Had a good friend growing up with that name, and always thought it was unique.

Now, please tell me how to post pics, in my posts and in my profile. I had to ask Katie B for help just to get out avatar up and running.

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Bunny honey, he is sooooo cute. Looks like you and has a head like his dad...but he has more hair :)

You take your time and enjoy him, he has plenty of time for siblings.

Thanks for posting its been awhile and this was a real nice surprise.

How is Suki, she nust be so proud!

Maryanne :wink:

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