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Recent Scan


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Hello All,

I have been away from the boards lately but wanted to update you all on my latest scan. I had a scan late Oct. and the areas in my right lung are stable. My left lung is totally clear of any disease. I have a lymph node near my right breast that we have been watching. That appears to be larger? The specialist I see went over the scan with me and said "Your cancer's not doing much." He said that there is no way to know for sure if the medication I'm on is creating the stability or the cancer may just be a slow growing one? He wants me to continue my current treatment program. Taking Tarceva and receiving Avastin every two weeks. I was happy to hear this news. I was trying to prepare myself for starting a new chemo but just didn't even want to go there. I still feel "good". Although this week I developed a fever with an ear infection so I haven't been at the top of my game. I'm looking forward to having a wonderful Thanksgiving with my family. We are going to have it at my house this year. Last year was such a blur I don't even remember Thanksgiving. This year we are going to have a turkey and all the trimmings. A dear friend of ours from Brazil will also be joining us. I just keep on Keepin' on and look forward to the next event. I'm wishing all of you a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving as well.

Take Care,


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