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Sonia Owen

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Hi All,

The last few weeks,I am sure we have been having signs from my Dad. Our bedroom light has been coming on at differant times,during the day,but more so during the night,we wake up,and swear that we turned it off,before going to sleep. Strange,but quite comforting,in many ways.

We have just had our Christmas tree put up in the shopping centre,where you can buy a light in memory of your loved one,who has passed away.Its a lovely way to see your Dad light twinkling with all the others,on the tree. You can't help but smile when you walk through each time.

Take care all.

Love Sonia UK.

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Isn't it comforting to know that our loved ones are still "with" us. I know that I have had several experiences with my grandfather. I miss him like crazy and he always comes around when I need him the most. I have NEVER doubted what these signs are, but so many people think I am crazy when I talk about these experiences, it is good to know that I am not alone.


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