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Week of Jan 6 Posts

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Joined: 05 Jan 2003

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Location: New York

Posted: 07 Jan 2003 05:39 pm    Post subject: ACTIVISM/LC ISSUES


This is where you can vent about all the problems we face with LC...like the stigma, the lack of funding for research, the lack of awareness as the #1 cancer killer, etc. And, please post any news you have regarding advocacy in your area, e.g. a rally, a benefit, etc.Back to top


Donna G


Posted: 09 Jan 2003 11:42 am    Post subject: Stigma of lung cancar


Last night Connie B was on KSTP radio re: a commercial running on all our TV stations. The commercial pictures a young women with cancer singing to her baby on a " home video" . The women explains to her baby she is doing this because she knows she won't be able to see her baby grow up. It cuts away and says " quit smoking today and be here tomorrow" All the young people I know with lung cancer never smoked. There are 3 young women in our support group. They tell us how people always ask them how many packs a day they smoke or were you a smoker.

The commercial is so outragious because it implies you only get lung cancer from smoking. It implies that if you quit you won't get lung cancer . Also it continues the stigma that you deserve lung cancer because you smoked. Jason Lewis the talk show host suggested that we all call our attorney general and complain. This is how the tobacco settlement money is being spent by Minnesota Partnership Action Against Tobacco.Back to top



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Joined: 05 Jan 2003

Posts: 18

Location: New York

Posted: 09 Jan 2003 12:57 pm    Post subject:


Donna: Glad you are getting the hang of this! I just wanted to say that I agree with you about this kind of advertising. Has anyone seen the ads from the American Legacy group where a woman in a magazine ad apologizes for smoking???? More than 60% of all newly diagnosed LC cases are to people who never smoked or quit yet we keep hearing "DID YOU SMOKE" -- every time I get asked that question, I have to remember that I actually once smoked. It was so long ago I never even think of myself as having ever smoking. But, what difference does it make -- NO ONE DESERVES TO GET LUNG CANCER. Just like no one deserves to get AIDS whether they are gay or straight. One of the things I am striving for with ALCASE is to get the message out that 60% of LC cases are people who don't or never smoked!Back to top



Joined: 09 Jan 2003

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Location: Texas

Posted: 09 Jan 2003 01:24 pm    Post subject: You are so right!


Before my dad got LC 3 1/2 months ago, I rarely heard anything about Lung cancer. Where's the "Telethon" to raise money and awareness? Where are the Celebrity endorsements and sympathy and support and research dollars ? As descriminated as Aids was in the 80s (first called GRID, Gay Related Immune Deficiency) in the 80's there was vitually no where for Aids patients to go, no support, no research, "they did it to themselves" was the attitude. In 20 years, more money and more research have gone into the Aids virus and HIV than anything else. Virtually everyone knows about Aids, everyone endorses Aids Benefits (in fact, it's the chic thing to do) and Lung Cancer Patients, research, support, awareness have been left behind, without the publicity, hype or endorsements. It will be a shame if the only way people will learn of this disease is when it strikes them or someone they love.

Jumping off soap box now...Back to top



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Joined: 05 Jan 2003

Posts: 18

Location: New York

Posted: 09 Jan 2003 03:28 pm    Post subject: FROM DONNA G


I was so excited that I was beginning to figure out the new board that I forgot to mention how Connie was called for the talk radio show. Tuesday at 10pm she was on Kare 11 news on TV. If you would like to see the broadcast or just read the summary go to

http:www//.Kare11.com/news-article.asp?NEWS ID=40418Back to topBack to top


Connie B


Posted: 09 Jan 2003 08:37 pm    Post subject: News Ad on Quit Smoking


Hi All,

Just wanted to drop a line and say, it's been a very interesting two days sense I did the TV article and that I was on the Radio last night as well on the Jason Lewis Talk Show (live)! This is all over that nasty discusting ad with the young lady and her baby and how they portray her as dying. Oh So sad. Well, today I learned that MPAAT the people that have put this ad on the TV are NOW saying I approved of this ad back in November when they showed it to me. (NOT TURE)!!!! I did NOT approve of it nor would I ever approve of such an ad. It is very painful to watch and people have shared with me that they just get SICK watching it. Even people that don't smoke or never did smoke. Well, now I have to deal with the ins and outs of politics and I don't know if I'm up to dealing with that. This all has to do with the Tabocco Settlement money that MPAAT recieved in 1998 a total of $202 million dollars to start up a smoking cessation program. Well, in my opinion, they are caring this just a little to far. But, then again, what do I know being a lung cancer survivor and an ex-smoker.

Thank you ALL for your support. God knows right now I need it. (grin)!

Warm and Gentle Hugs,

Connie B.

(dx.d, 1995, Adeno, Stage IIIA-B, Left Lung removed, Chemo, Rad, Cancer Free. ) Lost my Father, Mother and Sister all to Lung cancer.Back to top



Joined: 09 Jan 2003

Posts: 8

Location: Washington State

Posted: 09 Jan 2003 09:15 pm    Post subject: Hang in there!


Dear Connie,

Thank you so much for being brave enough to talk out about the issues. You have all my support. Good wishes being sent your way! Thanks.




Keeping the Faith,


• 12/01 dxed NSCLC (BAC)

• Stage IIA, Grade 3, T1N1M0

• 2/02 Lobectomy right lower lobe

• No chemo or radiation yet

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Grumpy-One-Lung Mike

The Grumpy in my screen name is not true in past issues. That name was given to me by a son that thought he was funny. It has stuck with me for the past 33 years in what ever I do, or have done with my life.

I am a very positive person usually. I get along with everybody and anyone. I have had the attude that I will live forever, or until God calls me.Will it has turned out to be a long and very fine life so far, I am now 64 years old and counting. We have had 5 wonderful children and all of the other good life. My wife of 41 years is the best in the world and a wonderful friend. My surgey for Lung Cancer went super well. Now I am missing a left lung due to cancer in the upper lobe, operation was on Nov: 25th of 2002, all went well to this point, only in the hospital 3 days (not counting day of the operation). Then I ran into the following mess.

Radiation started on Jan: 7th of 2003. Here in is the start of my problem. I was confrotned by a radiation doctor (director of this dept:) with no feelings for others (sick people) Or as in my case someone wanting to ask questions and learn the what for(s) involved in what was to become my daily life for the next 6 to 8 weeks. This doctor refused to talk to me or my wife about was ahead and what to expect. All he could do is try to sell us (Me) on the good points of extended radiation and chemi:. This wnet on for over a half hour, then it all end and he just said your 30 treatments will start on Jan: 7th, see you then. I had been told by my surgen that a basic 12 treatments should do the job and the radiation doctor put an end to that with no one comes in here for just 12 treatments, that is unheard of. So I was shot down on that point and then he dumped the 180-RADS on me. We had asked him what the doses were (what the range of the radiatin was, low to high), he replyed under his breath 48 to 84 RADS, I ask him a second time because I had a hard time understanding him and he repeated the above 48 to 84 RADS again under his breath. He then got up and walked out of the room. I was ok with that (not happy with his general attude though), but when I cam in for my first treatment a week later I got the news that my dosage was to be 180-RADS and that it was layed in cement and would nor could not be changed. This set me back a lot, now I fully understood where this doctor was coming from, he thought (still dose) he was GOD and no one would dare question him.

For anyone readings this, I Pray that your not in the Ypsilanti, MI. area and having to go to the local hospital for treatments of any kind. If you must, then just don't asked any questions and you will be ok.

I got another doctor at that point (delaying my treatments another few days). This new doctor is a lady and she is a fine Lady that cares deeply. She explained all of the steps clearly and upfront. She told me (and Wife) how everything would go step by step, day by day and why. Yes I did end up having the 180-RADS but now I understand (better, mostly, in a general way) a little bit more. My treatments will continue until some time in late Feb: 2003.

I am doing so much better with everyone around me now (the new doctor, so much less stress in my life). I still resent the thought(s) of a doctor playing GOD with my life though. But on with the good life, as good as it can be. The bright spots in my life now are the folks I meet while at the radiation sessions. Some can't handle it to well so I work at getting a smile out of them. Some are just so depressed that they don't want to be seen or heard, I try to get a smile out them. That is what makes my day, a smile from someone like me that just needs a smile, it helps.

I did miss the one point many my wish to ask but wont I bet. Yep I did smoke (for 50 + years). Did it cause my cancer? It was a part of it I am sure, but the daily tasks one has to do in their normal lives adds another 50 to 60 percent to the chance of getting cancer. Just pumping Gas into your car or truck is a killer. Today drinking water is as bad as smoking in some areas of the U.S.. Where you work can add 100's of percentage points to your chance of getting Lung Cancer. In my case the 31 years I spent in my work place, conditions added 50 percent or greater to a possiblty of my having Lung Caner.

I Feel for and understand so much more Today then 3 months back. Would I do it over again, Yes.

God Bless You All, May God be riding on your shoulder and offering his Love and Help.



Hi Grumpy-1-Lung,

I love your name. My "handle" also is a family name tag. Although you've been through a lot, your positive, affirming disposition comes through loud and clear. I'm so glad you found a more sympathetic doctor...it can make all the difference, even if the treatment is the same. Your concern for others obviously takes you out of yourself and probably contributes to your progress. Bless you. I'm sending some smiles YOUR way. :D:):lol::P:wink::mrgreen:

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