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new here and scared


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Hello everyone

just ran across this forum, ( wish I had found it sooner ) Anyways I'm going for surgery tomorrow and a you can imagine a bit nervous.

Going to have VAS for biopsy (collapssed lung during attempted Bronchoscopy ) and they'll remove upper left node if it proves cancer

Cat scan and Pet scan shows small < 2 cm mass

So I guess I'm quite lucky to have it detected at such an early stage.

Thanks for reading

Take care


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I had a lobectomy in September and they removed the upper lobe of my left lung.I was only in hospital for 3 days. It my first operation and even the first time I was hospitalized. So I was very nervous but it was not near as bad as I had anticipated. The "spot" turned out to be cancerous and it was 2.1cm. I am starting adjuvant chemo. this week.

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Hello Jim and welcome.

It sounds like your cancer was caught early which give you very good opportunity for cure. I had surgery and was stage 3A. My scans have been clean since my surgery in 2005. You should do very well with your surgery and recovery. It is okay to be scared, we here have all been there. Prayers


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  • 2 weeks later...

Jim, I had my left upper lobe removed in 2003. Then chemo and radiation. That was almost 5 years ago and I am still kicking and living life. Hope my profile helps a little. You are very lucky that they can do surgery. Best of luck.

Just one hint about recovery. I slept in a recliner for several weeks because it hurt to lay down. Within a month of surgery I flew to Las Vegas and enjoyed several days having a great time before I started chemo. They tell me that mine will not come back. There is a small chance I will develope something new but I am told that after this length of time with no more treatment and clear scans that the first little beast is gone.


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