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This is my first post. My father has stage IV lung cancer, NSCLC. Upper right lobectomy in August, considered stage 1, no chemo follow. Returned in October as stage IV with mets in the adrenal glad and median stynem lymph node. He is now on his second month of chemo, navelbine.

We've been to the Hutch center in Seattle, as well as talking to the Cancer Treatment Centers of America group. The local onc. group here in Boise has been uncreative in chemo or treatment approach. Pop is 71 and in otherwise great health. He wants to fight but it's been hard to get anyone interested in extra efforts. We've found considerable information from Japan and other (more alternative) groups performing adrenalectomies and radiating localized spots, with combo chemo treatments for controlling additional mets. However, these proceedures don't follow the Med Onc group guidlines, and are not easily offered in the US.

Is there anyone in a similair situation who's found a resouce or clinic they are happy with, working with cincial trails, etc.?




Welcome Bryan - I am so sorry you have to be here, but it is nice that you can be your dad's advocate.

I don't have any experiences similar to your dad's to share, but I just wanted to welcome you to this wonderful site.



Welcome Bryan.

I have hard of stage 4 lung cancer adrenalectomies. The mediastinum would have to be clear though I think. Maybe your dad could have surgery after systemic control is established with chemo. Ask Dr. West about it. He works at Swedish Cancer Institute in Seattle. They might consider such a surgery there.


Don M


Hi Bryan

Sorry I don't have any advice or information other than posting this to Dr West. I did want to say hello and welcome to you and your Dad and hope that you will find this site to be helpful and encouraging.

Please know we will do our best to help you though this..




Hi Byran,

Just want to welcome you here and know that we are very caring people who want to help you through this.

I hope they can find some kind of treatment to help your dad.

You got some good advice about asking Dr West.

Hang strong and let us know his progress.




The navelbine so far worked for me,it was labeled velban here but Im pretty sure the drug has the same properties, with not to many side effects. It's the cisplatin that gets ya. I'm rooting for your dad and for the Drs there to get their heads out of the sand. Check w/ Dr. West he is truly a gem.


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