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hello everyone.

I have been visiting this site for a long time but this is my first post. My mom died on Sept 12, 2003 after a 2 year battle with lung cancer. She fought so hard, her doctors were amazed she lived so long. And all the days she lived she did the best she could, enjoyed and appreciated every moment.

I helped care for my mom until the very end. We were very close. Today is my 43rd birthday, and it is torture without her. I have her last message on my answering machine and I keep playing it hoping that it will change and she wishes me a happy birthday. It's been 2 months of agony.

Thank you

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Hi, Dolly -

I'm new here so I'm not so sure I can offer any real help. My mom was just diagnosed with lung cancer and I am 41 years old. We are very close.

I do want to wish you a Happy 43rd Birthday! I hope you indulged yourself a little bit today...you need to pamper yourself...you deserve it.

I'm terribly sorry about your mom's passing. I live in South Jersey and if you need someone to chat with to help you through the pain, please private message me. Don't lose sight of what is important right now...yourself. You need to take care of yourself. It's not easy to do but I know your mom would have wanted you to have a nice happy birthday...so I'm hoping you did.

Take care,


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Dear dbernard:

I just joined this forum and feel very strong for you. I was was told of my condition on Oct. 24th and told that nothing could be done. My first thought was "Oh Well"!

My second thought was of my son. Although I have other adult children, he is the one that concerns me the most. He is thirty years old and has told his sister that he does not think he can make it without me. Says I am his best friend.

I have always felt that to pass from this place is a blessing and I have no fear of leaving here. I know that this body is just my transportation while I am here and the Bible confirms this belief. We are told that God created man and then he breathed a living soul into us. I look at this as first we were like a doll. Then we had added to us the most important part. A living soul, and this is what follows us when we leave here.

I know that I will aways be around for my son as I am sure that your Mom will be there for you. Just be still and listen. This type of love cannot be broken by the distance and seperation. I do believe that she is not gone, just away.

Wish I could give you a big hug but will hold you in my heart.

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