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Need a little more help...


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Hi, everyone...

I'm officially moving myself over to the Early Stage and the Family/Caregiver forums. My mom has finally gotten a diagnosis and we are moving forward with the information that we have right now. It does feel good to start on a plan of action!

The reason I am asking for a little more help is really for my mom. I've told her all about everyone here and how many survivors and fighters get together here and provide info/support. She is ready to fight! Unfortunately, she does not have a computer so I have been telling her you are all here! I posted a message over in Early Stage forum asking for anyone to pitch in with a friendly hello and support as she begins her chemo/radiation therapy.

Please ...my mom could use your support right now... If you have a few moments, stop over and fire off a quick "hello...we are here!" I will print out the threads and let her read for herself the support that is available here.

Thanks, and I really am grateful for all your replies :)


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Hi Lauri,

What a help you must be for your Mom. Tell her that there are many people rooting for her. I passed my two year anniversary last month of being in remission and I'm looking forward to many more thanks to good doctors, supportive friends, and the grace of God.

Our hope is in the Lord,


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Hi There,

tell your Mom there a lot of lung cancer survivors out there. And especially at stage 11 if it has not met. I had nsclc in my left lung. the tumor was 7cm by 4.5 cm which is rather large I am told. There was no spread and my lung was taken out 3 months apprx 3 months ago and as far I casn tell I doing fine. Healing good. If there are any questions I am sure the people on this board can and will do their best to answer them.

God Bles,


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