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Aaron & Julia anyone hear from them


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Hi Everyone,

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. We have had a tough time recently. Aaron spent a week in the hospital a week or so ago. We've been home for about a week, and have been trying to relax and spend some quality time with each other. Aaron felt like he was hallucinating from all of the different drugs that he was on, so the doctors admitted him to keep an eye on everything. He is doing better now that we have his methadone down to 60 mg (from 400 mg when he was in the hospital before christmas). He is a lot more lucid, but still very weak. Aaron is having some trouble walking now. Hopefully this is just a side effect from the whole pelvic and spine radiation he just finished last week. Things are pretty hard day to day, and I think we are going to have some outside help come in a few days a week. His main oncologist wants to put him on a drug called Temodar because it is one of the only treatments on the market that can break through the blood brain barrier. Hopefully this will keeps things at bay for a while. Right now we're really enjoying spending time together and not having visitors over for a while. We haven't really had any alone time for the past couple of months. We hope that you're all well. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

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If you need me to bring lunch or something

I work at Madison between 31st and 32nd

will gladly bring lunch, pick up meds, whatever

hang in there!!!

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Been woried glad to hear from Ya'll and hope things do work out For Aaron and Yourself! Enjoy the peace and quiettime you have and thanks again for posting

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I am glad Aaron had his meds adjusted and is more himself now. I think the home help is an excellent idea-- it will be such a relief for both of you. Enjoy your time together-- watch lots movies you've been meaning to see and just chill.

Check in with us when you can.


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Thanks for the update Julia. Glad that Aaron got his meds adjusted, praying for improvement as they work and as he moves further away from the radiation. Enjoy the quiet time, it's a blessing. I'm also glad to hear that you are looking at outside help, as I know how tough it has been for you guys dealing with this, I believe that will be a blessing. Praying for all the best and keep us posted on your progress and let us know if there is anything we can do.

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I am so relieved to hear Alan is doing much better. Last time when he posted he sounded really out of it and I could not believe all that medication they had him on. :shock:

So glad he had this adjusted. Please tell Alan I continue to light a candle for him to heal.

Also getting in some part time help will help you both tremendously.

Hang strong.. He's a good guy and you can't keep a good man down. We are all in his corner cheering him on during this tough fight.

Julia its a blessing you are there for him. I am sorry for all you are going through too.

Prayers sent.


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