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Surgery for Stage IIIB


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Hi all. I am looking for some information from anyone who has had successful surgery with Stage III B. What factors permitted surgery? What risks were considered?

I have recently completed radiation and chemo treatments for Stage IIIB. Am now waiting for results from post treatment CT scan/chest x ray.

Prior to this treatment I had been told that surgery was not an option. I am kicking myself for not following up on that more thorougly at the time. However, now have appointment booked with surgeon to make sure I understand and if there are options. I have a pleural effusion that cannot be ruled out as malignant.

There is an intense subcarinal lymph node metastasis present (where the heck is that?). And, an additional small lymph node very near to the lef hilar portion (no idea what that means, most likely a tracheobronchial angle lymph node.

thanks in advance for help.

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Hi and welcome to the board.

I have no personal knowledge with surgery for IIIb but I just wanted to wish you welcome and let you know that we will be here for you.

I am sure others will be on shortly with a wealth of information for you.

Keep us posted.

Hugs - Patti B.

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The main thing a surgeon will want to see from follow-up scans after your chemo/radiation is that there are no new sites and very importantly, that the lymph nodes, especially in the mediastinum, look clean. My sister was offered the option of surgery when her PET after chemo/radiation showed no uptake in any of the lymph nodes. they will want to be sure the lymph nodes are 'sterilized', ie, free of cancer. If you go over to Dr. West's board at www.onctalk.com, under the thread for 'locally advanced' is a post I made to him about my sister being offered surgery and comments he made, they may be of some help to you.

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http://content.karger.com/produktedb/pr ... 4071006630

This will answer your wuestion about subcarinal lymph node metastasis

Wish you luck and saying prayers for the surgery though. Please keep us posted of course adnyou will get more responses during the weekend also....

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My husband was also stage IIIb. We were told if his tumor shrunk enough with chemo and radiation surgery might be possible. They had to stop the radiation so that we could go for a surgical opinion (it was a no due to not being able to get a clean field). If you receive the maximum amount of radiation surgery is not possible because the area will not heal. Once surgery was ruled out he received the maximum number of rads he could have.

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I was staged IIIb also. I received chemo and radiation. Finished chemo and radiation in March and May 29 I had my left lung removed. He said it was the most hardest lung removed for him because of the scar tissue. I had already decided if some will take my lung I was going to do it. I stayed in the hospital for 6 days and it really was not that bad for me. I was in the mall 2 days after I left the hospital. I did have my oxygen but oh well. I am doing pretty good. My strength is not were I want to be but I will get my strength back one day. Keep us posted and ask any questions.

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