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Possible brain mets????


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A good friend's mom has lung cancer. Told him that I would post on here for other opinions. Here is the situation:

His mom is stage 3b. Had an MRI two months ago and it was clear. She has had no med. change since then. She has completely passed out or gotten dizzy and fallen at least 3 times in the last couple of weeks. She and my friend were reading the Bible to each other and she was having trouble with words she has known forever!

My advice was to call her onc ASAP and let him know what is going on as it could be brain mets.

What are your thoughts? Thank you in advance!!

I know with my mom, I was constantly monitoring her neurological situation. She never did get brain mets but liver. :(


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His mom is stage 3b. Had an MRI two months ago and

My advice was to call her onc ASAP and let him know what is going on as it could be brain mets.

What are your thoughts? Thank you in advance!!


Kelly you have been on this board long enough to know this friend DIFFENITLY NEEDS TO CALL THE DOCTOR or get his mom into the ER! Yes, this does sound like brain mets, and she may have a seizure as well. This is never, ever anything to second guess.

I hope your friend gets her to her doc ASAP!

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Hi Kelly-

My husband did this several times-- and he did not have brain mets. His was due to circulation-- and it happened mostly when he started to cough. He would cough and then pass out-- it was the blood supply to the brain being compromised due to his vena cava syndrome. Do you know if she has VCS?

And by now hopefully she has been to the doctor or called and you have a real answer. I hope all is well.

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