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Can You Spare a Prayer, Please??

Patti B

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CAT scans tomorrow - results Tuesday.

As always, I am worked up to the point of making myself sick. Added to this is the fact that they will also be doing a CAT of my head since I have been having headaches. I tried to get that one moved up but since I have no other symptons, i.e., blurred or double vision, balance problems, etc. they felt like it was OK to torture me and make me wait.

I am still having the pains in my lung area that I was having at the last CAT which turned out to be non-cancer related, but they are much worse.

I can't tell my hubbie I am having the CAT scan - I never do until after the fact. He is an over-the-road trucker who drives one of those 75 foot long car carriers and I just feel like it is not fair to him and to everyone else on the road to have him obsessing about this (and believe me, he is worse than I am). Plus the fact that I don't want to tell him any bad news while he is driving. And the thought of telling him bad news while he is alone in a hotel room at night doesn't sound fair, either. He always gets mad at me for not telling him but I do believe that he understands why.

Please, if you could spare a prayer I would truly appreciate it.

Hugs to you all - Patti B.

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(((Patti))) You know you have my prayers! I understand, but sorry you're so stressed. I know it's easy for me to say to try to relax, but please don't make yourself sick. Hopefully the headaches are just a side effect of treatment. My mom has them for several days after Alimta. Keep us posted. I will be praying for the best possible results.



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My many best thoughts and prayers are there for you, Patti. And bless your heart about not telling your hubby about scans and such.I never thought of it, but you are absolutley right ~ what you say. Wow, that certainly adds yet another dimension to the stress, doesnt it? I thank you for such concern ~ both for hubby and the folks on the road with him. Glad you can share here with us. Can't wait to see post 'good' nes Tuesday.


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I can spare more then a pray Patti. How about a nice Warm and Gentle Hugs? (((((((PATTI))))))))) wish it was for real!!

I don't blame you for not telling hubby, makes perfect sence to me!!


Well me looking for your post on Tuesday.

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Patti - I will be praying for you! I totally understand about not telling your husband - I never tell my kids because I don't want to have to give them bad news over the phone. But it IS adding to your stress level which could be causing the headaches and other pains - Lots of prayers are being sent your way!

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Prayers for good results and for extra strength for you while you wait. I totally understand about not telling hubby. My dad has been a long haul truck driver all his life, and was only home on weekends. So I understand the stress involved for both of you. You are a very strong and courageous lady. Wishing you only the best.


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