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son of mother with LC

Guest bill8401

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Guest bill8401

My mother has lung cancer, and today my father was informed she has 6 months, give or take, left. She is currently in the hospital. Its getting kinda late, but we're thinking about getting a second opinion. It looks like she may be in the hospital for a while. My question is how do you go about getting a second opinion, if she's in the hospital. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.



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First ask around-lots of people have lung cancer and see who they saw. Check them out at their local hospital. Second go to a search engine such as google.com and type in lung cancer. There will be LOTS pop up look for a place near you that deals with lung cancer and have your family DR make the referral. Make it yourself if need be. Then you go get copies of all bld work, xray and ct scans, the radiologist reports for each and the DR. phsical and history. You can get most of this at medical records at the hospital you are going. Your mom has to sign for them tho. Call a day or so in advance because sometimes it takes a few day to get them. Find out what course of tx this Dr wants to do and then see what another will do. Then get back on here and maybe someone here has had the same type of lc and can give you pointers on where to go. DO NOT BELIEVE the stats! Some of us have way outlived what we were told. May God be with you.

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Yes, please make sure you do get a second opinion! It was the best thing my husband and I did. Just to add to Cindy's note, make sure you take the origianl films of her scans. When we went we had a bad copy of the last scan that we got from the oncologists office and had to go to the hospital to get origiansl for the team doing the 2nd opinion.

Our family doctor gave us the referral. The oncologists were not offended, it is quite common and they (unfortunately) have plenty of business. Best wishes to you and your family.

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Do not listen to timeframes. We were told that my dad had 2 weeks to live and that was 3 months ago! I would also recommend getting a second opinion. We have just recently switched to our 2nd opinion doctor - not due to treatment options but because we as a family needed a doctor that we felt comfortable with and listened to our questions and concerns. This is the best decision we could have made. Though my dads prognosis has not changed we defiantly feel better the process.

When I was looking for where to go to get a 2nd opinion I searched the web to find what hospitals were known for cancer research and patient care. I have attached some links below that helped me in my search. Luckily 2 of the hospitals on the US News and Report list of top cancer hospitals were located in Michigan which is where we live. We called the office and said we wanted a 2nd opinion and they basically held our hand from there.

Top Rated" Cancer Hospitals Information:

HYPERLINK "http://www.usnews.com/usnews/nycu/health/hosptl/rankings/specihqcanc.htm"http://www.usnews.com/usnews/nycu/health/hosptl/rankings/specihqcanc.htm

HYPERLINK "http://www.modernmaturity.org/departments/2002/health/0505_sidebar_7.html"http://www.modernmaturity.org/departments/2002/health/0505_sidebar_7.html

HYPERLINK "http://www.cancercenter.com/promotions/spotlights/default.cfm/12"http://www.cancercenter.com/promotions/spotlights/default.cfm/12

Physician Locator for treatment of Lung cancer:

HYPERLINK "http://www.lungcanceronline.org/care.htm"http://www.lungcanceronline.org/care.htm

Lung Cancer Message Board (You can post questions) Good Site

HYPERLINK "http://www.lungcancersurvivors.org/wwwboard/wwwboard.html"http://www.lungcancersurvivors.org/wwwboard/wwwboard.html

2nd Opinion Advice

HYPERLINK "http://www.cancer.umn.edu/page/patients/opinion.html"http://www.cancer.umn.edu/page/patients/opinion.html

HYPERLINK "http://www.cancerguide.org/second_opinion.html"http://www.cancerguide.org/second_opinion.html

HYPERLINK "http://www.blochcancer.org/articles/xtrnew.asp"http://www.blochcancer.org/articles/xtrnew.asp

HYPERLINK "http://www.findcancerexperts.com/"http://www.findcancerexperts.com/

HYPERLINK "http://www.cancerlynx.com/pathology.html"http://www.cancerlynx.com/pathology.html

Specific Lung Cancer Links

HYPERLINK "http://lung.bioimmune.com/index.asp"http://lung.bioimmune.com/index.asp

HYPERLINK "http://www.cancerprofiler.nexcura.com/Interface2.asp?CB=111&NewSession"http://www.cancerprofiler.nexcura.com/Interface2.asp?CB=111&NewSession

HYPERLINK "http://www.alcase.org/"http://www.alcase.org/

HYPERLINK "http://www.alcase.org/education/bestcare/index.html"http://www.alcase.org/education/bestcare/index.html

HYPERLINK "/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&group=alt.support.cancer"alt.support.cancer

Good Luck[/url]

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Guest bill8401

Thank you all for you information. My mother was moved to intensive care yesterday, and stopped breathing this morning. She's on life support now. I have talked to her doctors, and it doesn't look like theres much more they can do for here. Her cancer has not responded to the first 2 chemo's and they said it's "unheard of" that a third would work. If she gets better, she will be going to another hospital tommorrow to have lazer surgery to remove two tumors in her airways. Then from there look into the possibility of radiation or other methods. So far it doesn't look good. Its amazing how fast your life can be turned upside down. Thank you all for your responces.


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The day I feared most has finally come. My mother past away Saturday night, at age 51. There was nothing more the doctors could do for her. We said our goodbyes, they took the machine off, and let her rest in peace. This will be my last post, as I do not have a story to give hope to others. I thank all, who gave me support and I hope you do the same for others.

Thank You


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Bill, I am so sorry about your loss of your mother. This message board isn't just about giving stories of hope, it is about giving support when someone needs it most. Please know that you are in my thoughts during this difficult time. I hope that you will find comfort in your memories of your mother. Please take care and if you feel at all the urge to post again, I hope you will do so, as so many will be thinking of you. Deb

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Dearest Bill,

My Deepest of Sympathy to you and your family on the loss of your dear mother. She was so young!!! :( Please feel free to post a message here if there is anything we can do to help you through the pain you are dealing with now. I am sooo very sorry my dear!!

Warm and Very Gentle Hugs,

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