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Bone Scan


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I usually don't post every time mom has a scan, though I always find myself here lurking during those times. This time, though, I'm a bit concerned. She's been complaining some time of back/hip pain. Every X Ray and CT has been clear and we've chalked it up to her weight gain (she has gained some weight since her diagnosis. I'd say how much but if she ever saw that she'd kill me.) Her oncologist yesterday said that he didn't think it was cancer related but he'd do a bone scan just to be sure.

I don't know, there's just something nagging at me and I'm concerned. Please keep us in your thoughts right now. We should have results today or tomorrow.

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Hey there, Its probably nothing. I get back pain too and I don't have cancer. We sometimes get aches and pains with getting older. What I am tryin to say is Think Positive and I will keep om in Prayers tonite for a CLEAN scan!!

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I'll be rooting for her, Mitchell, But I do believe that this 'pain' she's experiencing is a common factor for many of us. I think it's just part of ths whole "game". Game ~ yeah ~ RIGHT. But be sure to let us know. In the meantime, tell her I wish her the BEST of luck with it.


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So here is my two cents...

Weight gain after chemo, in my opinion is great. (Read Don's post about skinny cows and not-so-skinny ones!!)

My dad has been struggling with his back, and his doc has looked everywhere, to no avail. He has gained back a bit of weight, but not too much...and the doc thinks it is that, with the sitting around that he does and the not-working of his back muscles.

It is normal to be scared, but as Geri says, scared gets you nowhere....easier said of course!

Blessings and prayers.


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Well, what else can we say about scan time??? There has to be a better way to do this and not worry ourselves to death!! I just got my scan results yesterday - Stable - but I was worked up SO bad because my "lung area" has been hurting pretty bad. And guess what - NOTHING!!! Could be muscular, could just be the nature of the disease or could be from the chemo - who knows - but as long as its not progression - fine by me. So see - we just worry so much about every little ache and pain - its crazy!! And I know that its easy to tell you not to worry - this time yesterday noone could tell me that and convince me. So hang in - let us know ASAP - and I hope and pray that Mom's scans are the BEST!!

Patti B.

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we've chalked it up to her weight gain (she has gained some weight since her diagnosis. I'd say how much but if she ever saw that she'd kill me.)

Smart son Mitchell!! :wink:

Glad they are checking things out and hope your mind will be put at ease soon. You know I'm always thinking of you and your Mom. (But didn't know you had such beautiful baby-blues! :shock: )

Let us know. Prayers all the way around.


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