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Four Months Tonight


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Tonight at 8:05 p.m. it will be exactly four monthis since my dear husband, Jack took his last breath and went to heaven. It is still so hard and I miss him so very much that my body aches at times. It all still feels so unreal and yet at times the numbness seems to be lifting and the pain feels worse. I know he is so much better off and he is not suffering but I just miss him so much!! I just hope he knew how very much I loved him and how much I miss him now. I hope that he is watching out after me every minute. Thanks so much for letting me ramble on. You have all been a wonderful help throughout his illness and death. Thank you all very much!!

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Hi Beachnut--

This week marks 19 weeks since we lost my dad. I can relate so much to what you said about the numbness lifting and the pain becoming even more intense. I miss my dad so much and everything feels so hard. I feel like I spend so much energy trying to push down my feelings of grief so that I can move forward in my day and in my life...

I just keep hoping that things will get easier...for all of us.

My thoughts are with you.


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Hi Beachnut,

I'm sorry for what you're going through, and I do understand. Four months is a critical time. As you said, the numbness starts to go and the pain sets in deeper. That's all so normal. It can almost feel like new pain, or that the loss suddenly hits you. I'm just at 8 months, and it still keeps changing. And it still doesn't feel real much of the time.

If you're not in one already, may I suggest a grief group? It doesn't take the pain away, but it does help to be physically around people who understand. I have found it to be a great source of comfort and I'm now involved in 2 -- they're both very different and have their unique things to offer. And of course, people here understand.


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I understand. It's good that you came here and posted. Sometimes, it helps just to share your feelings with others who understand. No one can make the pain go away , but there are too many of us here who can relate. Four months is still rather early in the grieving process. Be patient with yourself, allow yourself to grieve . Know that we care.



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