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Last Nites Chat

Patti B

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Hi everyone-

To all of those who attended last nites chat, I want to say Thanks. I have never been on before - conflicts with my son wanting the computer - but I told him last night we will have to work something out so I can get on the chat more often

It really was a lot of fun and cheered me up!! Even though I didn't get a blue dot :( I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Hope I didn't spread too much dark humor :lol:

You guys are great- what would I do without all of you??

Hugs - Patti

P.S. - I still want RANDY for president!!!

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I love Chat too, Patti! My problem is that I can't read and type fast enough to keep up :? . After I type I try to see I don't have too many mistakes and by then the screen has scrolled up so much I get behind :evil: . I have a vision problem with the messages being sent to my brain (REALLY!!) and I just become so frustrated :roll: . I also have difficulty sitting at the computer in that position for extended periods of time. My back gets cranky when I do that! But it was nice to see so many on last night. I think we all shoudl get a GOLD STAR :lol: ~ who cares about those blue dots!!!!

Nice to see you too, Patti!


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I didn't realize you were a chat virgin Patti. ;) I'm so glad you stopped by and that you saw how funny everyone gets. Always good advice for folks who need it, but mostly good laughs, which we all need. And I'm all about the dark humor, I'm still chuckling about the "I'll end up in the dumpster" comment you made. :)

And I agree with Deb, everyone makes typos, and the scientists have done those studies, the human brain can read right past them and know exactly what it is you meant to say. So type and mis-type away!!

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Sue...I hopped on for a few minutes last night....after American Idol was over. I recorded DWTS, so I watched it later!!! Chat is a relaly great thing and I need to show up more often!!!

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You guys are making me miss the chat now.

11 more weeks of hockey, then maybe they'll move hockey to a different day. If not, i will officially petition Chat President Randy for a move to a different day :roll: I'm sure it will be denied, but hey I'll give it a shot.

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It's great practice for multitasking, something my 72-year-old chemo-enhanced brain has trouble with these days. Trying to keep track of a couple of other discussions scrolling off the screen interspersed with the one I'm currently in may be frustrating, but probably beneficial. My wife plays the latest video games to stay sharp, but I'm not quite there. Aloha,


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Cat: "Chat virgin" ROFL!! :lol:

I'll stick with my blue dot, thank you very much -- but I won't be trusting Patti's husband with any important ashes! LOLOL :roll: Glad you enjoyed it Patti -- it's a good way to feel connected to the outside world and have a little fun too!

Actually, this chat room goes at a pretty slow pace compared to others I've joined. Just keeping it real here folks!

By the way -- we usually only tease Randy about typos. (It's because he's a good egg. :wink: )

Welthy (who is only wearing black until they come out with a darker color...)

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Yes the blue dot will die a sudden and mysterious death. Katie could not vouch for the legendary blue Dot. :(:o

JB I am coming to Pa to find you :twisted: and melt the ice :P ITS SPRING HOCKEY IS OVER!!! :o THE ICE HAS MELTED!!! :cry:

Patti see my profile for my candidate.

If you think your humor was dark should ghave seen WELTHY!! Yes even Deb showed up and graced us last nite!!

So happy everyone had a good time. THis is why we do this answer questions have fun Discuss things in general and laugh for a bit so....... :wink:

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