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Please say a prayer for Jennifer S


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I have just learned that she passed away. She was a member on this site and although she did not post a lot, I know she found it very helpful. I met her only last November and she was about the same age as me. She organized the very first Lung Cancer Awareness Day at our clinic in Victoria. It was at that day last November that I met her and she told me about this site. She said she was so glad she had found it and wished she had found it earlier. I attended our support group with her and she was always positive, even when she was struggling at the end, she still insisted on taking the stairs. I met with her a few times outside the clinic. During her battle she remained committed to LC advocacy and worked hard to get the message out there. She went through all of this with absolute grace. A role model for me to look up to. Her husband died a few years ago, suddenly, in his sleep. So she leaves behind a daughter and other family.

I am deeply saddened. Please send up a prayer for her. She would want us all to keep on fighting and continue advocating.

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I understand your pain in light of recent vents and hope and Pray you find some peace sandra. Thoughts Prayers and condolences to you and Jennifers Family righ now!

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So sorry Sandra. I just went through the same thing with a friend who was an important advicate of this disease. She faught so hard to get the word out and also with her personal demons. Msy she rest in peace.

My heart goes out to you and her family.


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Oh Sandra - I am so terribly sorry for the loss of your friend Jennifer. I am sending prayers for her family and for you during this difficult time.

As she was a role model that you looked up to, I believe you are a role model for many others who are inspired by your strength, courage and love for your family...me included.

Praying for you always,

Warm hugs, Linda

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I just wanted to share...I was catching up on reading our local paper tonight...an article entilted "Swiftsure competitor sailing with an angel on his mast". I never knew that Jennifer's dad was a veteran sailor. We have a big yacht race in town this weekend and this will be the 1st year he has sailed without Jennifer as a sailing companion. Her dad said that she was one of the best sailing companions he had ever had and that she had helped him win their division. He knew that this year she would still be sailing with them. No matter where they end up I will be cheering them on this weekend. I am comforted to know her spirit and strength lives on. Peace be with you Jennifer and family.

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Thoughts and Prayers and may the wind be always be at your Back!! to Jenn's dad!! Now you have to post results of racing You know!!!! :wink:

Hope HE wins!!!!!

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