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Alimta Plus

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Mon 05/06 Started out day with B12 shot and prescriptions for B12 and Folate Acid as well as decadron for nausea. Met with onc. We decided on Alimta as it's easiest on body. In return, I had to agree to drop my vitamin, herbs and mineral supplements while on Alimta (4 sessions three weeks apart),

Wed 05/14 (Day 1) Alimta infusion only 15 minutes, but dexathone infusion 1/2 hour (purpose being to cut down on oral meds). Onc nurse says that common Alimta reactions (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) may not appear until Day 4. Went straight to acupuncturist for anti-nausea, etc. session.

Sat 05/17 (Day 4) still no reaction so probably over the hump. Rode electric scooter to Farmer's Market, then to acupuncture for second treatment.

Mon 05/18 (Day 6 ) Woke at 2:00 a.m. with fever, sore throat, coughing and sneezing that worsened during course of day. (Dang!) RN came to house for assessment and to draw labs. In meantime, medical oncologist ordered me to go on Cipro (I had some at house) pending arrival of Avelox (broader-based antibiotic than Cipro).

Tue 05/20 (Day 8 ) Avelox arrives. All symptoms other than coughing stay the same and some even improve a little, but cough is worsening. Onc ordered Roxonol for breakthrough pain and as cough suppressant (in addition toTessalon Pearl, Hycodan, Lorazepam and honey-lemon tea (the last recommended by Onc. RN)). Labs all within normal range, but onc. ordered more today to play it safe. Ditto for chest x-ray.

That afternoon, despite all the anti-coughing drugs, I began coughing so badly--wracked with paroxysms--that I "felt" it when stress fracture to right sacra ala occurred. Ribs also hurting, but don't know if just sore or if stress fractures there, too. Doesn't matter, the same rule applies: Back to bed, only up for bathroom for 1st three days, then only light walking, sitting the remaining 11 days (earlier stress fractures were 2 at right sacra ala, and 1 at left sacra ala).

Wed 05/21 Acupuncture session. Otherwise no change.

Thu 05/22 Doc ordered Prednisone increase to 5 mg. In return, he agreed I could start vitamin, mineral, herbal supplements again. In the meantime, I've missed only one hot tub exercise day so far (due to fatigue).

Fri 05/23 (Day 11 since start of Alimta, Day 4 since stress fracture) I woke with zero pain and fever back down to my normal sub-normal of 94.1 (Hurrah!) Vital signs good. 2nd lab work back is normal. Never experienced nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Hurrah!

Once again, I'm the "bounce back" kid!@ :lol:

Carole (Updated to correct typos)

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So glad your week finally past :shock: and you are feeling so much better. :D May that continue for you.

You have a lot of courage and I love your attitude. You are such an asset on here. You give so many people hope with your attitude and determination.

I know you will keep us posted. Fingers crossed this works for you.

Maryanne :wink:

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Hi, all.

Thanks for the kind words, etc. It turns out that I caught a cold (my first in four years). My thinking is that it was due to stopping my vitamins, minerals, herbs for the Alimta, but in the meantime, I'm holding my own (low grade fever and "standard" cold symptoms), and have had no additional stress fracture pain (meaning that the sacrum is healing).

I figured out that if I start coughing, I need to stand up and brace myself (hips clinched), which seems to keep bone from separating at stress point (Hurrah!!!!!).

I know my original "Alimta Plus" posting was confusing, but so was my head at the time (due to the fact that my "butt was smarting" :D), so by way of explanation, the stress fracture is totally unrelated to the Alimta, a side effect of the past year of Prednisone. In fact, I have contracted so many side effects from Prednisone that my list is longer than the pharmacist's! :roll:

In the meantime, I'm taking it easy here in rainy Boulder, Colorado (where I am NOT running in the Bolder Boulder marathon :D). Rain means I'm reading a good mystery wihle watching a 'feel good' movie and eating hot buttery popcorn (the h--- with nutrition; quality of life wins out again! :lol:)

Happy Memorial Day!


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