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Tarceva and Joint Pain

betty boop

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Hi Betty,

I also have joint pain, although I'm not sure if it's from Tarceva. My Dr. has suggested it may also be from the Taxotere. I have been on Tarceva 150 mg for 6 months and I got severe joint pain in February. I could hardly move when I would get out of bed in the morning, and my hands would just ache in the middle of the night. It would get better the more I moved around. It has improved somewhat since then and now I'd call it mild joint pain. There was never talk of going off Tarceva. I tried adding Turmeric as a supplement because it's supposed to be good for joints. Who's to say if the improvement was the Turmeric or just time.


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Thanks for posting. I read some of your info. Hang in there girl!! Life is tough sometimes but we have to be tougher!

I too ache when I am in bed. My knees and ankles mostly. Today not so bad, but I dropped a picture of ice tea last week because of the pain in my right wrist. Is this an over the counter drug? I haven't heard of it.

Thank you again,


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  • 3 weeks later...

I had terrible pain in my hips, knees and ankles the first couple of months on Tarceva. Always at night when sleeping - but the pain woke me up. The Dr. had no idea what it was - but it went away as suddenly as it appeared.


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I have been on Tarceva for 2 1/2 years and have had pain come and go over the years. My doctor attributed it to MAYBE chemo, maybe age, maybe a bad mattress, maybe maybe maybe Aging.

Who knows what the culprit is for me, I just treat the symptoms and somehow they go away or move to another location of my body.

If it is the Tarceva, I say bring it on - Tarceva has worked great for me for 2 1/2 years.


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I have never been on Tarceva but lately I am getting pains in myhands at night when I am in bed. Seems like they ache and then get all tingly and I have to shake them out!! Don't know if this is the beginning of neuropathy or just maybe my age :lol: but it sure is no fun when it wakes you up at night.

Hoping you continued success.

Hugs - Patti B.

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