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Got Him Again!!

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Well the big N shot has got ahold of Tom yet again. We were going to go to dinner with friends but Tom sad the neulasta kicked in and he didn't think he could eat anything and was in a lot of pain. He did manage to get about 1/2 a cup of Jayla's mac n cheese down. He was lying in bed about 1/2 hour ago and went to get up. He grabbed his leg and started moaning and out came the %^**($%#$#%^^&$. I asked him what was wrong and he said it felt like his leg just fell off. I got him a pain pill and we will see how long it takes to get relief. Right now he is resting with his heating pad in bed.

Poor Tom. :(:(


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Jayla is having a rough time getting to sleep tonight. She keeps calling for her Bampa. I believe she can sense Tom is not feeling good and want's to comfort him. You just can't get anything past her. She likes to stay in our bed with us and hug, pat and kiss her Bampa as that is the only way she knows how to comfort him. She already gave him a back rub with her baby lotion and lots of kisses. They fought over the heating pad and Tom won. I explained to her that Bampa needs to go to sleep now and rest. I gave her a few extra cuddles and she is quite now. I think I won on this.


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Mom HATED the Neulasta! They told her to take a Claritin every day. Some people reported that it helped with the pain. It didn't do so much for mom, but it might be worth a shot (no pun intesned!).

It might also help to know that they told mom that the reason the bones hurt so is that the neulasta works by building up the bone marrow where the blood cells are manufactured. When it hurt he pictured her bones going into overdrive to produce blood cells to protect her. I don't think that helped the pain, but it made it easier to tolerate.


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Oh Denise, I understand Dave complains so much about the pain after that dan shot and they told us Claritin but with the bone mets being pain enough and the narcotics he is on, he tolerates it as best he can! I hope that Tom is doing better today and that you got into see your dr and are having a better day! Who got the heating pad?


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Tom ultimately won out on the heating pad.

I do think that having Jayla about has help Tom with his fight. There is a definite difference in his attitude when she is not around.

Today is better for pain then yesterday but he says he feels very weak today. This radiation is starting to kick his butt. His voice is more hoarse and he is starting to clear his throat alot. They also took more pictures and moved him 1 cm in his radiation target. He has new markings now. His chest is also starting to get red.


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They gave him something called Special Care Cream. They gave it to him at the office. I know there are prescription creams out there but I don't know if this is one of them.


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