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Has anyone heard from Norme??


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I have been worried about Norme and Buddy. If anyone has heard from them please let me know how things are for them... I'm worried about them.. Maybe I've just missed a post somewhere.. I haven't had a lot of time lately to be on here.... Love to all


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I wondered the same thing. It sure doesnt take long to notice an absence around here when you have such a family as ours. As long as we are on this subject there are two people who have been on my mind over the last few weeks and i havent seen. One is Jenny G. from Georgia. Her and i were Dx. approx. the same time and joined the board about the same time and also had almost identical treatments. Jenny are you out there ? If so let me know ! Please ! Another person is Carleen. We know from her post, the pain she was feeling. Carleen if you are out there i want you to know you and Keith are in my thoughts. Keith and i are so very close in age. And now that i have had a full blown recurrance with major mets to my liver we are very similar in our disease progression. At any rate i certainly hope i havent pried or went amuck by mentioning your names but you are on my mind. If you feel comfortable replying great, if not i totally understand. Either way best wishes always.

Warm Regards


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I too have been thinking about Norme and Buddy all day. Her posts have been a real inspiration to me. I was going to post the same question tonight. I know she said she would be off line for some time but I was hoping someone might have heard from her by some other means such as telephone etc. If anyone hears from her PLEASE post and let us know.


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Thought I'd post this so you folks would not miss any posts. After you sign on if you look in the right hand corner you will see "View all posts since last visit." If you will click there you can see all the posts and you won't miss any post. It shows all posts in all groups. Not trying to be a "know it all" but hope this helps.


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