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Alan update June 25th


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We met with Alan's oncologist last night and the news could not have been worse. Alan has 2 very large tumors in his right lung. One has wrapped around the blood vessles and the treachea. The second is in the root of the lung and causing most of his pain. He now has multiple smaller tumors in his left lung, and the last issue is that his heart is functioning at only 35%.

Alan is in alot of pain now, we hope to have him out of the hospital today so hospice can provide the necessary comfort. I have called Alan's family so they can come see him if they choose to do so. His brothers will be here on Saturday. His daughter was due to be here over 4th of July, but there is a good chance that will not be soon enough. She is in Chicago right now training for a new job.

I am leaning on my friends, who have all along said they would be there for me, and God Bless them they are all coming through.

I want to thank everyone on this board for their support and prayers.

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always have time for a prayer For You and Alan for comfort and strength and positive vibes. Deb I know this is so very ahrd and Hope you lean on everyone you can for support right now! I wish i had the magic powers but i always have ears to listen with and big soft shoulders to cry on Deb!

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I'm so sorry Alan is in pain. This truly must be heartbreaking for you. Let's just hope this is just another curve in the road. You and Alan have always been a true inspiration to me and Alan portrays as a true survivor.

I hope both of your upcoming days get better.

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Debbie I am so sorry. I was really hoping that Alan's condition would improve that he was not in pain. I know that is a big concern of you. Thinking of you and Alan from up north.

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my heart is broken to hear about Alan, I know the most important thing right now is to get his pain under control. Please, I know in the midst of all of this, to try the best to take care of yourself. I know you're probably on autopilot right now and that is ok, let others, if they can help. please know you can PM me at any time. my prayers for Alan and you...


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Debbie & Alan - I am so very sorry to read this latest news. I pray that they can get hospice set up quickly and alleviate his pain - it is so hard to watch those we love in pain and my heart absolutely aches for you. I hope the family gets there to spend some time with Alan and to help support you.

Again, I am so sorry.


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I'm so sorry Alan's in so much pain, but that is a primary specialty of the hospice team so hopefully it will be under control quickly.

I am so glad you have a strong support system. That will make all the difference in the world.

Thanks for keeping us up to date, and please don't forget to take care of yourself as well as Alan.


Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.--the late, great George Carlin

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