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On April 4, 2008 my mom was diagnosed with Stage 3a non small cell Lung cancer. This was after months of wondering why the use of her right arm and hand was going away. A ct scan showed a spot and the pet scan showed it to be on the very top right lobe and 4 lymph nodes in center. Two weeks agao she finished round one...which was radiation and chemo. In a few weeks they will go back and re scan to see what if any is left. Half way through her first treatment a scan showed the tumor to have shrunk alost 75 percent.

I am here to find hope and learn. Thank you!!


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Sorry about the reason you're joining us, but welcome aboard, Jennifer. You will find the members of this site to be exceedingly knowledgeable, helpful and supportive.

In the meantime, that is great news regarding the shrinking of your mother's tumor (75% after only one round is a very positive sign).


Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.--the late, great George Carlin

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Welcome to the boards altho I hate the reason you have to be here. I know you will find this board as supportive and helpful as I do.

It sounds like your mom is doing very well on her current reatment plan - hoping that continues!!

Please keep us posted on her progress.

Hugs - Patti B.

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