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Chcking in before checking out!! By Chanwit


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A lot of my frineds here may not know of my friend Chanwit but there are some who do remember hima nd His Wonderful wife Lisa and Her battle with Lung Cancer. I recieved a not e this morning from and independant soul on an Independant Journey in Life!! THis is how it goes!!! Love and Peace to all Chanwits Friends!!

Hello Randy, Happy surreal 4th of July; the sounds of local fireworks have just deminished. I wish you the best for the best.

Kind of hard to find joy in the usual jouous things but the happiness comes and goes.

Early in 2008 I thought I was going to make it to Greensboro for the Market America's International Convention but plans have changed. I may have told you that I went back to Thailand in March to take Lisa's ashes back to her country and family. That went quite well and I stayed a month.

I guess I was caught off guard and was still vunerable from losing Lisa. Somehow I attracted the attention of Lisa's youngest sister and find myself in the silly position of being Love Struck and Love Sick.

I think it was meant for me to spend my final years in Thailand and that is what I'm about to do. Since returning to Texas in April I have managed to sell everything Lisa and I have ever owned; 2 cars, furniture, clothes, business things. I still have 2 houses which I am leasing. I still have a small twin bed which I sleep in and the same one that Lisa breathe her final breath. I've always felt comfortable with that.

I will leave the US for Thailand on Aug 9. I have a lot of friends, relatives, and now Jeeap (Lisa's sister) to keep me company.

I am learning how to teach English as a second language just to keep things interresting and maybe make $300/month which is a lot in Thailand.

There will probably some stumbling blocks that get in the way but I am committed and Jeeap and I will be comfort each other.

It's OK to pass on this information in case anyone ever asks what happen to Chanwit.

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Thanks so much for that, Randy! Chanwit (Chuck) and I exchanged several lengthy PMs in the fall of 2006, shortly after I joined LCSC. We found a lot of parallels in our lives, some rather unexpected. I'm very happy for him, and I'll try his old email address in the hope that it still works. Aloha,


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Wow -- this is interesting news from Chuck (Chanwit). Last I heard was he was doing the re-ordination for being a monk -- or whatever it is called. His Lisa and my Tony challenged the odds together and passed close to the same time. Tony and I spoke often of Lisa and Chanwit's journey.

I too had many interesting "conversations" with Chanwit and am glad to hear he has found a place of peace. I always knew his soul resided in Thailand. I've also noted that he has been a moderator on the LCA boards.

Good luck Chanwit and may peace continue to go with you.


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