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Latest Scan Results - Good News


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Well, the results are in and they are wonderful. There is no sign of the brain tumor, it's gone to the eye of a CT and there are no signs of any new tumors, the Gamma Knife was a success.

For now my doctor has gone back to his original theory which was a stray small cluster of cells found a comfortable home after the surgery but before the chemo. He is not expecting any more but will do an MRI of the brain and neck in three months after which we will start stretching out scans again. The chest and abdomen scans show no disease either.

So many have been encouraging these past months, thank you,

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Oh Toddy, I've been waiting and wondering to hear what the final verdict is. And I am overjoyed at the news. I'm sure you feel as if the weight of the world has been lifted off your shoulders. So enjoy your reprieve. It's the weekend, I do believe I'll be doing a little celebrating in your honor and raise my glass and offer a toast.


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