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costs of ct scans


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I am from a small town in the midwest where there are many smaller towns.Since my treatment they usually do my ct scans here in my hometown and then send them to the larger hospital where I had my treatment done and where I still go to get my results when I see my oncologist. I was just wondering if all towns are about the same price when it comes to scans and xrays or if it would be wise to shop around on hospitals and compare prices.My next scan will be my first one done while covered under medicare so I dont know how well they will pay.This is not a major issue but just something that crossed my mind. Are all hospitals in the same price field when it comes to scans and xrays. Thanks

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its not so much what your hospital charges...its what your insurance will pay....may find it little cheaper if you looked around.....depends sometimes on your deductible for the year as to wether they pay 80%..or !00%.Thats where you would save some possibly. my guess is that with a few exceptions they are all pretty close in fees for the CT. Just got my bill from radioligist..was $260.00...but will also get one from hosp. cause its their equipment..thats the expensive one. wouldnt hurt to look around some I suppose

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Every doctor, hospital, and imaging center I deal with accepts Medicare "assignment," meaning that no matter what "charge" they put on the bill, they accept as payment in full the Medicare "approved" amount, which can be much, much smaller. Of the "approved" amount, Medicare pays 80%, leaving the other 20% the responsibility of the patient, which may be paid partly or entirely by any supplemental insurance the patient may have. So there are two main concerns:

1. Does the doctor or medical facility accept Medicare assignment? I've never encountered one that didn't, but that may not be true in some parts of the country. Wouldn't hurt to ask.

2. How good is my supplemental insurance? Do they automatically pay the remaining 20% of every claim approved by Medicare, or do they have their own list of approved providers, procedures, and amounts? That can be a BIGGIE. If they do pay the 20% of all Medicare approved claims, then the patient's only out-of-pocket expense would be for prescription medications obtained from your neighborhood or mail-order pharmacy, and your drug plan co-pay amount would apply in this case. A medication such as Tarceva would come under your drug plan.

Figuring all this out from the paperwork you receive in the mail can be a daunting task, and some phone calls may be necessary. But overall, I've been very impressed with Medicare. I hope it will be there for the next generation!



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Thanks Ned and Dave.I cant get supplemental here in Nebraska because of my age.Everything that is not paid by medicare is my cost.Im still very glad to be on medicare considering a year ago I was paying 550.00 a month for cobra.And still paying the 20% out of my own pocket.

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Mom keeps saying that Medicare is going to stop paying for "all those scans on that old woman," but between her Medicare parts A & B the entire costs of her scans have been covered. In fact. I pulled up her Part D records the other day and she has paid less than $50 out-of-pocket for drugs this year. Thus far she's gotten every test her Dr. has ordered and paid very little out-of-pocket. Depending on your supplemental, you may be very pleasantly surprised.

Best of luck to you,


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I know that some places give a "cash discount". I was recommended to get breast MRIs, but insurance won't pay for it, so the hospital gives a cash discount, I g uess they charge me less t han they charge insurance.

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All I can say is I have no idea about the cost of a CT scan. I never receive a bill for a darn thing and feel darn lucky about that. In Canada that is just considered basic medical coverage/entitlement as is most of our cancer treatments. My heart goes out to you who also have financial worries as well as fighting this disease. Not fair.


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