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Joel's 2nd step


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Hi All,

I have a new update as Joel had an appointment with his surgeon who did his two operations to get his intake of Joel's present situation.

First it was great seeing him, it had been two years since Joel's last operation and of course we wished we would not have to see him again, except under different circumstances. We love this guy as he saved Joel's life during his first operation back in 04.

He looked at the CT and we told him about what the Pulmonary Doctor had said about him doing okay if they took the lung :roll: Well our surgeon agreed with Dr West, as he definetely agrees with Joel doing the Cyberknife. He personally knows the Doctor who is in charge of it and says she is wonderful and they are so excited with the results and success they have seen from this procedure so far. And it is pain free and they can use it again and again if other cancerous nodules appear. He feels that Joel is a perfect candidate for this as he does not want to take more lung if he does not have too.

So its on to Joel's appointment on Friday with the Cyberknife Onchologist. We are hoping she feels the same way. Our surgeon is going to call her to discuss Joel's case.

Tomorrow is his Pet scan and Friday the Cyberknife.

Will keep you all infomed when we find out what she tells us. I just feel so fortunate that this is now FDA approved and Inurance should cover it as it is radiation just a different form. And also that we do not have to travel far for the procedure as it is now in our back yard, so to speak.

Wish us luck. Friday is Joel's B-day so that would be a great present.

Maryanne :wink:

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Great to hear this news, Maryanne!!!! Sure glad you are so proactive. Aren't we lucky to have the expertise of Dr. West? Now you guys can breathe a lot easier knowing more than just one expert feels this is the right route to go.

Fred and I are with you all the way. Remember we are just 'up the road', so don't hesitate to call on us. Sounds as if you are on the way to a good result here.


Kasey adn Fred

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progress, progress, progress....Glad to hear of all the progress...It still sucks that you guys are back on this coaster again, but hopefully it will be a short ride...We're praying for you guys...Hand in there...Good luck, and keep us posted. let us know if there is anything you need.

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Maryanne and Joel,

I like the cyberknife approach, from a layman's view it appears to be the least invasive and to offer yet another opportunity if needed (and I sure hope it is not) in the future.

Joel this is a lousy way to celebrate your birthday having to understand all this stuff and making these decisions. But I hope you and your darling wife find a wonderful way to celebrate your 40th birthday. I am only guessing your age by the way you look.

Keep us posted. And know that we are thinking about you and keeping all things crossed.

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Looking forward to hearing your report on the Friday procedure and the BDay celebration. So glad you checked in with Dr West. As I've said before, I think he walks on water so when he agrees with your doctor it a real GO.

Good luck Joel and Happy Birthday, Judy in Key West

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