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Well it's that time here as well. Tom's goes for CT on Sunday with results on Monday. Tom has not felt well the last couple of days and has dropped 5 lbs this week as well. Today he has felt very weak and his coloring is not good. I hope all is okay.

All spare prayers would be great.





Since I am the Queen of Scanxiety, I will have some for Tom, too. And I always have some spare prayers, you know that.

Maybe we can hold each others hands in cyber=space!!!!!!

Hugs - Patti B.


First of all, I think I found Tom's 5 pounds that you said he dropped. :roll::wink: I know right where he dropped it!

Second and MOST IMPORANT, lets just hope he's having an off day and he'll be feeling better by CT time. I remember having good days, and bad days and by golly I still do.

Keeping you both in my prayers and sending you positive vibes for good scans.


Thanks for all the good vibes.

Hey, This time Tom has to drink 2 bottles of barium contrast. He has not had to do that before for previous scans even at diagnosis. Does that just highlight things better? Nothing to worry about right?




Mike always had Ct scans of lungs upper abdomen and pelvic. He always had contrast stuff he had to mix up the night before and drink that night, the next morning and again at scan time. It's for the abdomen and pelvic part and the dye is for the lungs.. at least that is as I understand. Well, by now , he has probably done all this . Been praying for good results.




Well it turns out there is nothing to report yet. :x

Tom said the appt was at 11:15 but it was 11:45 so we had to wait. Then the Onc was running late. On top of that the results were not in the file. So Onc went to pull them up in the computer and he could not access them. :evil::evil::evil:

So we are supposed to call in tomorrow for the results and get them over the phone. :evil:

Hey what's one more day right? :roll:



Denise... Well, that #$%&* sucks!!! Don't you just love those computer "glitches"? One would think that they would have their sh*t together, considering that people are anxiously awaiting these results. :roll: I sometimes wonder if the stress of it all causes more issues than the stupid cancer!!!!

Well, heres to hoping for good news tomorrow!!!!



The Onc seemed rather out of sorts today. He was already running about 1/2 hour behind as it was.

What the H E double hockey sticks does one more day make? :roll:



Well......in the scope of waiting for scan results...........a day is huge. We all will continue to huddle around you and I will continue with those prayers! Hang in there!



Hey, Sis. You're taking it so well, which leaves us free rein to flame them for you. :twisted:

I'm with Patti. Doc, pick up the ding dang phone, will ya? With today's modern conveniences, like fax machines, email, etc., there's really no excuse.



Another 24 hrs? That's inexcusable!!! I'm sorry, but I think with a little effort he could have done better. Sorry the doc was out of sorts and running behind, but he needs to learn how it feels to be the patient and caregiver....Ok , I'm off my soap box now. You are so good natured , Denise..... Sure hope you told that doc that he better make the news good when it gets here. :wink:



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