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If your happy and you know it


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clasp your cheeks. Clap Clap.

If your happy and you know it....

sing along chat friends

and if you weren't at chat...well we were making fun of the POOP issues one can have with various lc issues....anything goes here...doesn't that make you just want to come to chat...

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Seriously here is what I have just been given for constipation that appears to work like a charm.

"Colonic content acidifier laxative"

Patti said this sounds like some concoction from the 1800's. But hey it really seems to work a lot better than Senokot and it is gentle and kind. Probably a bit more expensive than Senokot. It is available over the counter here. But if you can get your doc to prescribe it, it may be covered by medical or extended health plan. I have got a big old bottle of this stuff.

Frankly, it has cleared up the PFP (praying for poop) problem quite nicely!

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