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Can Partial Remission be Good news? My Docs think so........

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please forgive me if you read this on the other newsboard- I post on both

because there not as many people out there with SCLC.

Is there anyone out there who can share with me some good news that has been in a similar position?

I have done my six rounds of chemo and my 30 rads and have nothing left but PCI. The radiologist said I have at least a 50% shrinkage but after that they can't tell.

It could be scar tissue, dead tumor tissue, active cells- they just can't really tell and their attitude is to watch and wait. We were discussing my 7/31 scan and had a chemo right after that.......is it possible I will see more reduction in my next scan anyone? They have an oncologist appt scheduled for Sept 26th but no more scans right now.

I cried all day yesterday- and I feel better today but it would be nice if I could here from some of you that kept your SCLC stable for awhile - or maybe it looked like tumor on the CT but never grew?

I will grab onto any hope that I can and keep praying.

God bless you all



Hi Marianne. Of course partial remission is good news and those darn doctors should be telling you that. And radiation really does take some time to work it's magic, like months, so it should still be working for you. So please take this is as good news and breathe a deep sigh of relief for now. My continued best wishes




The drugs/radiation do continue to work there magic after the last doses. I have seen it happen to me personally and also others here on the board.

Hang in there, you have alot of people holding you hand along the way.




Any decrease in the size of the tumors is GREAT!!! And, as the others have said, radiation and some chemos continue to work for a while.

Hoping and praying for continued shrinkage. Kick some cancer, butt, girlfriend!!

Hugs - Patti B


Hi Marianne -

My mom has SCLC and was told exactly what you were after exactly the same treatment. After that, her tumor at last scan time in March was the size of a walnut and had been so for 2 prior scans. They call her "stable" and don't know if the tumor is active or dead tissue or what.

It'd be nice to hear them say "No evidence of disease" (NED), but the status that you and my mom have is a very good silver medal. :-)

It's not doing anything or going anywhere, it's a great status to be...so celebrate!




Hi-I haven't been around much lately but I wanted to reply to your post and give you the hope that you need. My Mom was much older than you-62 and she lived for 22 months with small cell-the only reason my Mom passed is because her cancer went to her liver and it could no longer be controlled. Otherwise for 22 months she did great and was in remission (in her lung) and probably could have beat it if it wasn't for her liver.

I believe I read that you are limited small cell? Don, Geri, Cindy RN and many many others beat this disease-even though small cell is the minority it tends to react very well to chemo.

Please keep postiive and keep getting all the positive stories of hope that you need. PM me anytime.




I also went through 6 sessions of chemo, 28 Lung radiation treatments and PCI.

After my 4th chemo session I ask for a scan and the results showed significant improvement in both the size of the tumor (originally the size of my fist) and overall improvement in the chest area.

Approx. 4 weeks after my 6th chemo session I had additional tests which included a cat scan, pet scan and a MRI. Results showed great improvement over the last scan with nothing lighting up on the pet scan (I was told I was in remission).

3 months later I had another cat scan and although the improvement was not as great as before, it still was improvement. I was told what is left is a small shriveled up dead mass (the pet scan substantiated this).

The doctors told me that the chemo keeps working for about 4-6 weeks after the last session and the radiation continues to work for months after the last treatment. I was scared after the last treatments, as my body had to take over and fight this crap, but so far it has been OK.

Never give up!!!

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