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Courage awards for brave Darwen children


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Courage awards for brave Darwen children

8:20pm Sunday 31st August 2008

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TWO East Lancashire youngsters have been nominated for prestigious police awards celebrating their courage in the face of adversity.

Caitlin Jones and Danielle Ervine, both from Darwen, have been shortlisted as part of Lancashire Police’s Operation Summer Nights Young People’s Awards.

Caitlin was nominated by her mum, Tracy. The youngster was born with the genetic disorder, Goldenhar Syndrome, and is also autistic, hearing impaired and has learning difficulties.

Tragically, Caitlin lost her father Nigel to lung cancer in February.

Since then, she has thrown herself into raising money for Cancer Research UK and East Lancashire Hospice because she doesn’t want other children to go through what she has.

Danielle Ervine was nom-inated by Julie Redhead, executive officer at Blackburn Sea Cadets.

The young cadet was involved in a car accident in July 2006 in which she suffered substantial facial injuries.

Despite numerous operations, she still wanted to help organisations such as the RNLI and the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal with street collections.

Deputy Chief Constable Mike Cunningham said: “There are so many young people who make a positive contribution to their communities and we want these people to be encouraged and recognised.”

The awards are at Preston North End Football Club on Tuesday.

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