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Hi everyone... I'm Randa's daughter, Paula. My mother was diagnosed with limited sclc on October 2nd. She's gone through 3 rounds of chemo, has scans scheduled for next Friday and then has round 4 the following week. Her doctor wants to start radiation sometime after her scans. She is doing really well and her only side effect so far has been the loss of her hair. She has in the last week or so started having shortness of breath. But all in all, she is pretty amazing. I just wanted to say hello and say how wonderful each of you are - I've been reading posts for the last several days. Bless all of you guys!!

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Your mom was diagnosed one day before my dad (he actually was admitted to hospital on 10/2) so sounds like she's on a similiar path as my dad, too. People are tremendous here and if you have any questions, there's always someone who knows the answer (and usually first-hand). Prayers for your family -- welcome!

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Glad that you are able to be there and support your mother. That is always a huge plus for the fighters of this horrible disease!

She sounds like a strong-willed strong mother!!

If you need to talk, we are here.....

Wish we could have met under different circumstances.


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I am sorry you have to be here, but it is the best place to be for a supporter of someone dealing with SCLC. :)

If you haven't yet visited this site www.blochcancer.org please take time to visit that one as well and get any resources you might need, be it lists of providers in your area, motivational letters for your mom, information presented with a more positive spin than some cancer sites. The founder of it is a LONG term survivor who had only been given something like 3 months.

The folks here are also such a living inspiration to the fighting human spirit and the love and compassion that exists in this world in spite of things like cancer. I wish your mother success in her battle with SCLC and I will keep your family in my prayers. There are many success stories on here and I wish you that victory as well.

:D ~Karen M.

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