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I am writing to ask for support from this wonderful board to help our Mom . If you recall , she was diagnosed with lung cancer last year and had surgery. She had two tumors in one lung, but they were close together. They were both removed in a wedge section. The doctor would have liked to remove an entire lobe of her lung , but due to her COPD they only took a wedge. As a follow up , she tried the mildest chemo available and couldn't tolerate it. She has been blessed with clear follow up scans UNTIL NOW!!! It's the NOW that finds us needing your healing vibes , prayers and lots of support.

It appears that she has a 3/4 " nodule at this time. It has appeared near where the two previous tumors were removed. She will start the journey, into what to do now , on Wednesday , Oct. 1st, when she will meet with the surgeon. At that time he will be armed with info from the pulmonologist . oncologist and internist . This is the beginning of the fact finding and the plan.

Our Mom is an amazing woman. When I expressed to her that I was upset over the news, she said " we will have no gloom and doom"... "we will handle it as it comes and remain cheerful in the meantime".... I Love you Mom

We thought we would have to wait a bit longer for test results, but they came very early this morning with a phone call from her oncologist. My sister, Bonnie, may be posting here.. she had an account when Mike was ill , but is not sure how to get back to it... We will work on that.

In the meantime, I just want to say that we are truly thankful that we have all of you to call on during these difficult times. Many prayers needed. Mom believes in the power of prayer and so do we.




Sorry about this news, Sue. I love your mother's response about doom and gloom. She is certainly a very special and spunky lady. I have nothing but the best of wishes andhopes along with many prayers for all ofyou. I'm sure you will keep us all posted. In the meantime, remember about the deep breaths.





I am sending many prayers and tons of postive vibes your moms way.

Your mom sounds like such an awesome lady (guess thats where YOU get that from). You know how much that great attitude will help her along the way.

Hugs for both you and your mom-

Patti B.


prayers adn thoughts For Youa nd Mom and Bonnie and the family right now! Be strong and think positive!!!!!!


No Problem Sue! Prayers have already been said. Give mom a hug from One lung cancer survivor to another. I know how it feels to have those dreaded NODULES pop up! Lets just hope they are nothing but a pain in the butt like mine have been for 5 years! :roll: Keeping you all in my prayers.

she said " we will have no gloom and doom"... "we will handle it as it comes and remain cheerful in the meantime"....

What a brave wonderful Mom you have! I will keep her in my thoughts and send much positive energy her way. Likewise for her loving children.

Did you know we can be genetically predisposed to what we think of as optomism? Here's hoping Mom has passed some of those genes on to you and your sister. If not, it can be learned.

Take care, Judy in Key West


Hi Sue,

I'm so sorry you and your mom have to start dealing with this again. I have been thinking about you both. I am sending lots of prayers and good vibes your way. Please keep me updated and let me know if there is anything else I can do for you since I am in the area ;)



Hi Sue,

Of course you have my prayers.

Find out about cyberknife and if thy have it in your area yet. The ceritanly beats the alternative of being cut again.

Most Pulmonary are against it as they just know to cut if you can. Most do not have information about this prcedure.

Find out anyway if you can.

Good luck



My family and I thank you so very much for your love , prayer and support. Maryanne, I have been following Joel's treatments and I have mentioned cyberknife to my mom. I am wondering at her age ( 80 in December) and with her COPD if she would be a candidate if it is offered. I most certainly will be thinking of this as an option to research for her. This is one of the wonderful things about this board and all of you who take the time to share ... we learn so much from one another ... Thank you Marayanne and all .




Sorry to disagree with Maryanne, but cyberknife up here in Minnesota is very common and popular and this procedure is done a lot up here, and I haven't heard of any Pulmonologists that are against it. They really rave about it here and they push for it also.

Sue, I would look into it for you mom, it can't hurt to ask.

Good luck!


I will certainly be remembering your mom in my prayers. I hope she knows how blessed she is to have a wonderful daughter like you by her side!!!

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