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Relationship and Communicatiion with Oncologists


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Hi All,

Most of you know the issues we have had with my mother's Oncologist. Such as not recommending radiation for my mom and barely communicating with us. We are just curious to know what communication most of you have with your Oncologists. When you call for issues not feeling well etc. do they personally speak with you and call and check on you once in awhile? Thanks for any feedback.


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You are so right Marci. It is a blessing to have a good relationship with your oncologist. Unfortunately that probably isn't doable in all cases. I have a good one with mine and she has quite often gone the extra mile for me. I just hate it when she is away and I am dealing with other docs who don't know me. I just finally found another one that I do like and have insisted that she be my permanent back up in the event mine is away. You can always ask to change if there are choices. Or have a heart to heart with your current one re how things could be improved. They might surprise you and step up to the plate a bit better. On balance I think they are a group of very hard working professionals with a very tough job. Best of luck


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I have a very good relationship with my oncologist. My very first interaction with him was when I was in the hospital after my first surgery. He ordered an MRI and then phoned me the next day to tell me that he hadn't received the results yet but didn't want me thinking that the results were bad and he wasn't telling me.

He gave me his cell phone number so I could call without going through the answering service. When he went to Italy on vacation the day after an infusion, he called me from Italy to see how I was doing.

He does the infusions himself, not a nurse, so he's around to talk to while the infusion is going in.

My only complaint, and it is a small one, is that he is not very computer literate and I can't email him with something that doesn't seem to merit disturbing him on the phone but that I want an answer to without waiting for my next appointment.

I did mention your mom to him (not by name) when you were considering a second opinion and he said he'd be happy to talk with you both.


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I really loved my Onocologist. He always had time to listen to me and answer my questions. I frequently saw him during my chemo. I just read an article on the best doctors for women. Dr. Duane was listed at the top of medical onocologists!

At that time when I was going to him he also taught Onocology at the UofM so I am sure he was up on all new studies etc.

Donna G

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We are fortunate to have a good relationship with both mom's oncologist and radiologist. I called the office to report that she was experiencing severe fatigue and they immediatly called her and got her in for an appointment and tests. I'm 500 miles away and it is very comforting to know that they are so attentive. I've been with mom on a couple of visits and am impressed with his willingness to listen and review all her tests and records for her. This is hard enough, I can't imagine having to do it with an oncologist you coldn't communicate with.


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I worship the ground my parent's oncologist walks on. Whenver there was a question or issue, we got a call back right away from either a phyisican assistant or nurse. They were wonderful at relaying messages and keeping us in the loop. The onc himself never called back though. There was never a need. However he was always there when we needed him. Like when my mom had issues after her brain anyerusm procedure unrelated to the LC, he rode in on his white horse and made sure everyone was on top of things to stabilize her b/c he cared, other drs didnt as m uch.

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My mom's oncologist is an ahole to put is kindly. He doesn't listen to a word I say or even like to answer any of my questions. He opens up his laptop and acts like he's never seen my mom before every time we walk in. My mom was diagnosed at age 59 with nsclc stage IIIA last Sept 2007. She did have surgery and adjunct chemo, but he did not recommend radiation. Just this week we found out she has 4 new nodules/growing lymph node that probably would have been detected earlier had he listened to my request for a CT scan every 3-4 months instead of every 6. My mom just doesn't want to switch because she fears hurting his feelings.

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Thank you everyone for posting and sharing. Hope4life we sound identical with our mother's oncologists. My mother feels the same way does not want to switch right now. I guess not our choice it must be their choice. Thanks again everyone for sharing.


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My experience with the LOCAL oncologist was abyssmal. My first day he 'forgot' he wasn't going to be there and there were no orders.The onc nurse said she would 'figure out' what to do with me. Now this was my very first day in the place ~ no intro beforehand like many places do. I said I would wait. I left and had to return a couple of days later. During the interim I think I worried off 5 more punds. On the 2 occasions I had to call with concerns, I could not get by his nurse, who each time referred me somewhere else. I didn't NEED to be somewhere else. I needed my oncologist.

Needless to say, I do not have any of these folks on my team any more.

Sorry for you. It just shouldn't be like this for any of us.


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  • 4 weeks later...

We have a good rapport with the oncologist and the staff at the office. They are always watching out for us.

Our oncologist's office is moving across town next June. I told Mom we are still going to the same oncologist if that means going across town We are not switching oncologists at this point.


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I can tell you that Carlton's oncologist was absolutely the best!....I had and still have the most respect for the man. If we had any questions, or problems we could call him... I remember when Carlton went into his coma, his onc. had spoken to my girls, he was so kind and understanding ( my girls were 11 and 9 at the time), he told them, if they have any questions or want to just talk to him, to call him at anytime....and Carlton really respected him immensely, I know he will always remember Carlton....


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