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For new members on the LCSC site, every Tuesday night is chat night. Everyone is welcome so drop in and say hello. Meet other members, share a laugh, ask questions, chat with other survivor's and caregivers.

8 Eastern

7 Central

6 Mountain

5 Pacific

2 Hawaii


It also seems that the "new" management was given an advertising budget. Wrong guy to give that to. Hope you have cleaned up the place too Bruce. We had better tighten up those purse strings and hire an accountant to keep a close eye on what is going on. Else, all heck might break loose! Chicken and rooster feathers all over the gal darn place!


Oh and when Bruce is gone Y'all better be nice to the substitute barkeeper! he has his own keys Ya know!!!! :shock::o:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::wink::o


Yeh you do Randy. That's cause you have the trust factor. Oh Bruce, I'm so sorry. I'm sure you'll get it someday too--the trust factor, I mean.

Judy in Key West


I'm not sure if I'll ever be trusted with the keys to the bar Judy. And yes Sandra I think an accountant should be at chat as well to keep tally on the drinks. LOL

Oh Bruce, I'm so sorry. I'm sure you'll get it someday too

I know poor Patti hasn't been feeling well but come on ladies???? Muriel, Shelli, Denise, blue--is anyone awake out there??? Bruce doesn't recognize a double-entendre (sp?) when it comes from a sweet little old lady LOL.

Judy in Key West


Hey Judy. i'm from Newfoundland and have enough trouble speaking proper English. But what language is that you are speaking ? I think i may have to check that one with Mr. Webster. LOL


Hey -

I am on for only a few moments - Browns game is on but I have to defent Bruce that he did a GREAT job as moderator this past week. Of course, with his daughter being on too I guess he had to behave.


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