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The Individuality of Grief

Larry's Wife

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It really struck home for me today.

I received an email from my youngest stepdaughter. I haven't seen her since Larry's funeral, over 4 months ago.

She associates me and our home with her father's death. That's why she hasn't visited me or hardly talked to me, even. If she doesn't come here or talk to me, she can pretend that Larry didn't die.

I'm so very grateful that she told me these things. It explains a lot. And it gives me hope that we can come back together as a family when she is able.

I'm willing to wait. She's worth it.

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Hi Lynn. I think it is very brave of her to reach out to you like that. So many times others don't do things and we don't know why and we make incorrect assumptions. And how kind you were to her. I am sure the wait will be worth it and little by little your family will adjust. My thoughts are with you and your son, always and especially at this time of year. Fondly


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Lynn, I'm so glad you got that email. I had a similar reaction from a counsin/sister when I got cancer. I finally email her and asked if I had done something to offend her. She called me right away and apologized saying she feels if she doesn't talk to me she can pretend I'm o.k. She sends lots of forwards and an occasional email and I'm o.k. with it. I know how you feel, I was so angry and hurt at first. People do handle things differently. Glad you are so compassionate with her.

Judy in Key West

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