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Hi, mother in law having tingling and numbness in fingers and toes.....was prescribed Gabapentin today (300 mg), doctor said it should help.....just wondering if anyone out there is taking same, and can offer any advice, suggestions, or helpful hints regarding this drug. thanks so much!

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Sorry about your MIL's discomfort Anne. I know a number of people had the symptoms you describe as a side effect of a particular chemo but I can't help with the drug. Never heard of it, but maybe someone will come by who has.

Judy in Key West

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Gabapentin is also called Neurontin. It is a dual use drug. It is used to treat neuropathy and to control seizures. My husband was on it for a long time. He had seizures and neuropathy, so they took him off another seizure drug (phenytoin) and put him on gabapentin. He did not have any adverse side effects from it.

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Hi. I took Neurontin following botched back surgery and fell asleep in the middle of the day while passing another car on I-95 -- and wasn't even feeling tired. I flushed the pills down the toilet as soon as I got home. I don't know how active your MIL is but please tell her to be careful (and definitely not drive). Good luck.


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I took gabapentin, the generic of Neurontin, for numbness and tingling (peripheral neuropathy) in the feet which was probably caused by Taxol. My onc insisted that I start with a very low dose (just one 100mg capsule per day), then when I had no apparent side effects (dizziness and drowsiness seem to be the most common) he had me increase to two capsules per day. Even that is less than the standard dosage, but it resolved my tingling within a few days. It took several months for the numbness to disappear.


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Hi Anne. I have been on gabapentin for about 6 months now and do not believe I have suffered any significant side effects from it. Mine was prescribed for pinched nerve on my spine causing nerve pain in my right leg. It seems to have been very effective for the nerve pain. Many others have been on it as well, one of them did warn me that it can affect your alertness so be cautious at first about driving, etc. I have been fine but think it affects everyone differently. I hope it does the trick in relieving the numbness,etc.


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