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Today Would Have Been........


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Dennis and I would have been celebrating our 32 wedding anniversary today!!! I really felt odd about putting this post in the grieving forum, as the years I was married to Dennis were the very best ones of my entire life. Anyway, today is just a day that always makes me think about what might have been and I get a little down. He was...and will always be...the love of my life.

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I am fast approaching my first anniversary without Alan, and already my heart is heavy with the weight of saddness. I, like you pointed out, should be celebrating all the wonderful memories Alan and I made together. Just I was planning for so many more. Keeping you close in my heart.

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((((Ann)))), I'm a day late , but I'm here to offer hugs of understanding. No matter what else happens in your life, Dennis will always have a place in your heart. Those wonderful times we spent with them are the reason we grieve their loss, so in my opinion it is very understandable why it's not possible to just remember the good times and not be sad.



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