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Tuesday's Air


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Happy Tuesday All.

It was quite the weekend. While we had the baby shower on Saturday Jayla's cat Mia, the second Mia not the first had a shower of her own. Mia gave birth to 5 kittens that same day. They are just too cute.

Tom and I had a great dinner with a friend last night. We sat and talked for most of the 2+ hours we were there. I did not go for the steak but opted for some fettucine w/alfredo sauce. Probably not the best thing for my high cholesterol and triglycerides but hey it sure did taste good.

And today is Erin my youngest step-daughters 40th B-Day. Lord I'm old!!! :lol:

Well it is back to work today. Jayla says I'm not to go to work. She says don't leave. But alas I have to go make the money you know what I mean.

Have a great day


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Happy Tuesday!

I am so glad I don't live near you Denise because I am a sucker when it comes to kittens!! I would be taking them all off your hands!

It is absolutely gorgeous out today - the crocus and **Word not allowed** willow are blooming and the birds are singing. I have decided that the cleaning can wait!

Have a great day!!!!

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Hi everyone. It is an overcast bit of a blustery bit of rainy day here today. I had my first radiation treatment to my spine today. I will be getting 10 treatments in total and am very hopeful that they will be successful in reducing my back pain.

Hey Janet...what the heck name of a flower came up as "word not allowed"! Too funny!

Hope everyone is having a nice day.


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