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Tuesday's Air


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Today is not much of a spring-like day here in Florida. Although it's sunny, it's so very windy and the temp is in the 60's. It's supposed to drop into the 40's tonight. Our weather has been very odd here this winter and I guess it's staying with us for a bit. I have a meeting after work, so I had to grab a jacket to bring with me.

I got my eye exam on Saturday and have been going nuts shopping for glasses. Progressive lenses are so expensive!! I'm thinking of getting two pairs of single lenses and just switching from reading to distance glasses.

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Good afternoon everyone. Our weather here has gone from winter weather last week to summer like weather from the weekend on! It is almost too warm but I am not complaining!

I am off for some blood work today and then to my 6th of 10 radiation treatments. I actually think that the radiation has started to help with the pain in my back. Keep your fingers crossed for that!

I hope everyone is having a great day!


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Ann - i have progressive lenses - and find them very annoying - I tend to use them for distance and take them off for reading. I don't think they work great for either - my eyesight always seems to be somewhat unimpressive!

I have not been on much this week because I have my little 2 year old buddy visiting for the week - and he keeps me very busy. Today the sun was shining and it looked so nice out - we thought it would be a great day to play outside - and we went out with sweaters on and it was FREEZING!!

Today I had my Zometa and a check up with my doctor. i have not been breathing right and have a persistent dry cough so I was kind of worried - but he thinks it is most likely a viral problem or pneumonia - so i went for x - rays and will hear tomorrow - I just feel so much better having talked to him.

Idol is on!!

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Hey Janet, I am voting for a viral infection. Keep us posted.

Lilly- I hope you get your much needed rain.

Ann - Good luck on the glasses search.

Sandra - Keeping my everything crossed for pain relief.

Jayla was singing the alphabet song to me tonight. She went through the whole thing once and then started again. This time she sang ABCDEF, G for Gramma and just stopped there. I was shocked and praised her greatly for a job well done.

Funny girl.


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