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Getting to Know You - Thursday - April 9


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Yes, I have walked out of a movie. I can't remember the name of the movie but it was a few years ago and was something I definitely should have looked at the previews first. I got a strong clue when I walked in the theater and it was filled with college aged kids. Funny for them but I just didn't get it.

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Last summer I took my grandkids to a remake of a old horror classic. the languge that was being used in the first 10 minutes of the movie made me realize this movie wasnt suitable for children so we left the theater. I was so angry when we left and the ticket salesman realized it to but didnt offer a refund. Its the last time I have been to that movie house.

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No, but many years ago my mom brought me and my 2 sisters to the drive in theatre (many years ago....we were probably pre-teens at the time). Blazing Saddles was showing and my mom took great exception to the goings on in that movie and we peeled out of there pretty quick! Too bad because my sisters and I were having a good laugh!

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We don't usually walk out -- but I have been known to go out for a l-o-n-g cigarette break during some duds. Then there was Star Wars... I fell fast asleep. When I woke up, I thought my husband had passed out because he was slumped over the arm of his seat, his head down in the aisle. Turned out he was trying to read the newspaper by the light of the little bulb near the floor lighting the aisle. He didn't want to wake me but couldn't wait to leave, which we promptly did. :lol:


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