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Following up on Lung Cancer Awareness Month

Fay A.

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Well....after handing out all those pins (HUNDREDS), posters, pamphlets, speaking with anyone too polite to run away, I decided to try to track down what impact those efforts had on raising a few dollars for ALCASE. So I made some calls.... and not ONE donation came in from any of the areas where I provided materials for ALCASE and Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Not only did not one single individual send in one single dollar in response to the card the ribbon pin is attached to, but not one single hospital, cancer center, medical clinic, nor oncology office bother to fill out the contact form and submit it to ALCASE so that they would be able to receive the information, etc. that is provided by ALCASE to these places.

I'm having a bad platelet week. But when I feel a little better I am going to make MORE follow up calls to as many of these folks as I can and ask them WHEN they will fill out the contact sheets, and let them know that if each one of those who took a ribbon pin sent in a single dollar that would be about $300 for ALCASE....

Very Frustrating.

Fay A.

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Don't lose faith, Fay. Maybe not this time, but just maybe the NEXT time they hear something about lung cancer, they'll remember you and ALCASE. Attitudes and behaviors change so slowly, all we can ever do is slowly chip away at them. Thank you for your tireless work! And I'll say it again: listen to the people who are supporting you here and take care of yourself. That's the first priority. Best wishes, Teresa

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What a trooper! I admire your efforts on behalf of lung cancer victims! You never know when a fire might ignite from your sparks, so don't despair. Lie low this week and pamper yourself...it sounds as if you need to shephard yourself for a bit. We care for you deeply here!


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Thank you for all your hard work. Take it easy and get well and enjoy the holidays. It is really sad that people don't take this disease seriously. I think in our society, they have to be stricken with the disease in order to face reality. Unfortunately there will be too many stricken, then the comment will be why me... Sad reality and one thet could have been prevented or cured.

God Bless and have a wonderful and very

"Merry Christmas".


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