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Well, that's the LCSC Bus, blowing the dust out of the carburetor! I'm going to be pulling out here soon, the bathroom is clean and has a stick-up AND a pine tree thingy in the window, the pillows are fluffed, the blankets are freshly laundered and the cooler is full of ice. A new addition is the wet bar and bartender - ladies, tip him well and he just wears a collar and cuffs, showing off that marvelous tanned twelve-pack. Yow-za!

I will be heading south, anyone along the way should pick up the thread and let us know what's happening on the bus when they climb aboard. Others who are already on the bus may continue the banter, but keep track of who is picked up and where we are heading next.

Beautiful weather here, sunshine and 70s - really, a shame to leave now that the darn weather is shaping up! LOL

So, rolling south, from mid-Michigan to all areas south. Who's first to hop on board?


Great news, Becky Snowflake. I'm so glad I heard from you, as I was just about to dump everything out of my bag and give up on the trip!!! As I said in an earlier post, I've been waiting by the roadside every day and people are really starting to give me funny looks! So...put the pedal to the metal and let her ROAR. I can't wait to see you in hot, sunny Florida!!!


At least we have some idea about when you'll be here in FL. I think RY is closest to you, unless you want to pick up the Canadians first. I think they're at the border, but not sure just where along the border and it's pretty long.

I hope someone gets on the bus pretty soon. I'm anxious to hear what they have to say about all the remodeling, etc.

I'll remain here in Oviedo, waiting.



Misty and I will be waiting at the Center City Philadelphia exit of I-95 (southbound, of course) -- please let me know when you've picked up Kasey and Ginny!

Florida here I come! :-)



You can't forget the Canadians and ts is waiting I think in Seattle. I'll be in Key West (I hope) by the time you get down there.

Judy in Key West


Perfect timing as I see Bruce is on vacation and I am not working! Bruce, can you swing down and meet me at the Peace Arch border crossing? It is just outside of White Rock. We will get ourselves across the border Becky and meet you there. That will save you guys having to deal with our border patrol. You can pick up ts in Seattle before or after you get us. I am off to get packed! Can't wait!


Count me in. I'm on the east coast of Virginia , but can meet up with you as you come down 95 heading south. The weather is cooling down here after a hot day in upper 80's. Actually, I'm no fan of heat , but I can't resist the good company.

Sue in Eastern Virginia


Where Sandra ? Peace Arch ? Not familiar with that but are you trying to dodge border patrol ? I think you are leading me astray and will get me in trouble. LOL


Thank goodness we have the Canadians. So far, with Mike saying he WILL NOT get on that bus, we need Bruce to make the trip co-ed. And Sandra, you know we want your smiling face aboard. Hey Becky, if you're still struggling with classes, we could fly Ann up there to drive til you can join us. I think she volunteered. I'm sure she can get off work indefinitely. It's a virtual trip for goodness sake. In the meantime, I think there is also someone waiting in Wisconsin??? Who??? Can't remember.

Judy in Key West


Ellen, I will join you on I95 and I bet we can get Fred to drop Kasey off and we will just have to have a little catch up lunch prior to climbing up the ramp.

Beck, this is going to be a fun trip. Have a bunch of gas money.

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