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Green Tea Compound being researched for LC Prevention


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Researchers at Feist-Weiller Cancer Center in Shreveport will study whether a compound in green tea can help an anti-cancer drug better fight certain types of lung cancer.


Dr. Glenn Mills, an oncologist and director of Feist-Weiller's Clinical Research & Aerodigestive Malignancy Program, will oversee a clinical trial of the compound. Feist-Weiller is part of LSU Health Sciences Center-Shreveport.

The trial will focus on patients with progressive advanced Stage IIIB/IV nonsmall cell lung cancer, according to Dr. Mills.

James Cardelli and Dr. Shawn Milligan, cancer research scientists at Feist-Weiller, have been studying green tea's anti-cancer properties for about four years.

Data from lab work shows that the green tea compound makes lung cancer cells more sensitive to an anti-cancer drug. Lung cancer treatment is limited. People who don't respond to radiation therapy can take Tarceva, an anti-cancer drug. However, only 1 in 10 patients respond to Tarceva, Cardelli said.

"The goal is to see if we can widen the window, maybe get more people to respond initially to Tarceva," he said.

The green tea compound will be given in capsule form, with four capsules equalling the same amount of compound found in 12 cups of tea, Cardelli said.

Other LSU Health Sciences Center researchers are studying the anti-cancer effects of curcumin, resveratol and ginger, all natural substances.

"We actually have a pretty potent (research) group that's formed," Cardelli said. "It's not a formal group, but we meet often to talk about what we're doing."

Louisiana has the fifth-highest rate of lung cancer deaths in the United States, with nearly 67 deaths per 100,000 residents. The state ranks seventh in the nation in the rate of lung cancer cases, with an estimated 80 cases per 100,000 residents.

Cardelli maintains that prevention remains the best strategy for avoiding lung and other cancers.

"The vast majority of cancer is caused by smoking. If you've never smoked, don't. If you do, quit," he said.

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Hi Randy,

I will be following this study, for sure. Bill has been drinking green tea over the past four and a half years. In fact, that's about all he drinks.

When he began chemo/radiation, they told him to hydrate, so he chose to drink green iced-tea with a smidgeon of honey. He still does.

When the nutritionist at the hospital, four years ago, asked him about the caffein content of the green tea, Bill didn't know what that was. She looked it up for him. It was not a problem. The amount was smaller than she had supposed.

Anyway, I'll be most interested in knowing what they discover. I will be telling Bill about this study as surely he will be fascinated by it.

Also, thanks for the great news items. I read all of them.


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In theory, this should be beneficial. Something Debs Doctor alwasy told us held true. About Cancer nutrition think Christmas. Green and Red Red fruits and green vegetables and fruits where they apply. Since green tea is made from green leaves it should work plus the antibody compounds also!!!!

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I agree


Nutrition has a link to all of this. Just where it begins and ends, I do not know.

But, I do know that today, Bill received his Navelbine infusion.

Bill said to me, "How come my blood counts are good?"

I told him, "Don't ask - just accept that they are OK."

Thanks, Randy.


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