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Not exactly NED, but I'll take it!


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What a long wait. The scans are beautiful. There is nothing to see but black spaces. I'm showing off the copies like they're a new baby. All the lymph nodes are back to normal size and not intruding on the bronchus.

Now on to Tarceva. I know a lot of you are currently on it now or have been. Anything you have to tell me would be appreciated.

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Hi, Sue — or is it Joyce — heck, with a scan report like that I could call you anything I wanted and you'd still have a big grin on your face. Congratulations!

You asked about Tarceva. That's a completely different animal from most IV chemos, and while side effects vary from one person to the next, the most common one is the infamous Tarceva "rash" (which is no ordinary rash). There's some excellent information on Tarceva and anything else having to do with lung cancer on cancergrace.org (GRACE - Global Resource for Advancing Cancer Education, headed by a Seattle oncologist who gives high priority to answering questions online). Here are some links to get you started:


http://cancergrace.org/forums/index.php ... 04#msg2904

http://cancergrace.org/forums/index.php ... 70#msg3170

I see you got your signature/profile entered with no problem. Looks good! Aloha,


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Hi there. It sure is nice to have good news to celebrate. Congratulations!

I was on Tarceva for awhile. The rash can get you pretty bad and make you feel awful bit it can be controlled with lotions etc. and adjusting the dose. Best wishes with the Tarceva.....praying that it keeps the beast away!

Take care


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Hi there. It sure is nice to have good news to celebrate. Congraulations!

I was on Tarceva for awhile. The rash can get you pretty bad and make you feel awful bit it can be controlled with lotions etc. and adjusting the dose. You also need to keep a close eye on your bowels but there is stuff to help with that as well. Best wishes with the Tarceva.....praying that it keeps the beast away!

Take care


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