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I don't post much these days...many things going on. It's a lot of work being a stay at home dad. Who'd a thunk it ! But I digress.....After the lobectomy...16 wks. of chemo and 2 yrs. of Tarceva, at yesterdays onc visit I was officially discharged as a clinical patient. He said he does not expect any problems and that I should be a long time survivor and will now see me twice a year for observation only. Seems kinda surreal after so long for it to just end like that...not that I'm complaining about the outcome. Obviously there will still be some issue with the COPD but as far as the cancer goes ...all I can say is...WHEW!!!. Hopefully I dodged a bullet there. He said it's still early to use the C word, but thats what he considers me. I will still be hovering around dont worry..cant get rid of me that easy!!

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I just can't believe you're here today, Dave. Just over the weekend I was making mental note of some of the 'friends' who've been AWOL for quite some time. I actually looked to see how long you'd been away. Did you know it's been over a year!? Am I glad to read your post. I'm even 'gladder' at the content of it. Since your profile isn't visible, I admit I forget details, but I know it's been quite a while. So.......think you could stay around enough to celebrate over the weekend? Seems many who know all about the Pub aren't posting much anymore - if at all, but maybe we could entice some of the newer folks to coome on over. I'll get the 'Good News' banner hung and we'll party like it 1964!!!!!

Great news!


PS: Not that I actually REMEMBER 1964 :roll: !

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Hey Dave-

Certainly have missed you. I PM'd you a while back because I was worried about you....and then worried even more when there was no answer.

I am so thrilled to hear your news!!!! You rock!!!!!

I agree with Kasey - this deserves a visit to the Pub - I know she said shes buying but we she runs outa money I will take over!!! :shock::shock::shock:

Hugs - Patti B.

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Ahhhh yes, to the best Dave I've never met. I'm hoping to get the same news sometime in the next year or 2. My Onc, Rad, and Pulmo doc have all already started using the Huge C word, but they were using that with me from my very first visit. I'm just trying to stay positive without being unrealistic. They have never talked about remission to me, it's been cure from day one. I know you have contributed a lot to this community Dave and are very well loved by the members here. I'm glad I am here to share your dancing exit to stage right. I do hope you will encore for us occasionally. I am tickled to death that you have such a wonderful future to look forward to with your family.Happy faces for you Dave, Sad face for us. but understanding through it all.

Love Donny in Way West

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Dave, It is people with stories of Success like this one that give people hope and Inspiration to keep fighting and moving forward !!! Congrats and I am sure that the kids will keep You busy for years to come!!

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Congratulations Dave. I can understand it feeling surreal. Treatments, recoving from treatments, scans and onc visits all become such a big part of your life when you're dealing with cancer. All that time spent will now be free time. Don't fill it up with too many chores. Enjoy!

Judy in Key West

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Wow Dave, this is just down-right WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL, OUTSTANDING NEWS! Good for YOU! These are always the kinds of updates we LOVE TO SEE and HEAR about.

I am so very happy to hear this great news, and I'm so happy for you. Nice to see you drop in. :wink:

Best wishes and continue living a happy and healthy life,

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