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A few weeks ago we bought a new outdoor grill because our old one was shot and we hardly used it. Since buying the new one I have been grilling outside about every night,Its nice not to heat up the kitchen or clean up the mess.Then today I rememberd something I heard a long time ago about how grilling can cause cancer.I googled it on the internet and all kinds of things came up. Now Im about half afraid to grill out anymore. Do any of you have thoughts on this? Or is it just a bunch of internet spoofs?


Moderation? Well, the one thing would be to avoid charring the food - none of that black and blue steak. Keep it low carbon. There were also some reports that marinating the meat made it safer. (Why do use marinade to marinate?)

We are using a little grill often this summer.


my thoughts are grill low and slow except for beef. Cook steaks away from the OPEN flame if possible. Don't "burn" them over high heat! cook over medium heat and control flare ups with a spray bottle of water!!!!

Remember, Breathing air can cause Lung cancer so don't be afraid!!!! :wink::wink:

Have fun !!!!!


I have heard the same thing, Mike - don't char it and for some reason, if the food is marinated, it is better.

But - you gotta live life and I really wonder if thats all a bunch of bunk or not!!!!

Hugs - Patti B.


This is one warning I missed. My husband grills in moderation and he ALWAYS marinades. He used to use bottled marinades but recently started making his own since we are trying to eliminate as much processed foods as possible. He usually uses olive oil and fresh herbs but is always open to new ideas. I wouldn't have him stop grilling (especially steaks and chops) because of cancer scares. There are so many of them, you'd have to practically stop eating. Since my father died of lung cancer and I'm one out of three daughters with it, I'm leaning more towards genetics.

Judy in Key West


I have heard of this but frankly, have paid little attention to these warnings. We don't eat much meat and maybe only grill once or twice a month. When I do eat meat, mine has to be cooked so well done that it usually is burned, so I guess I'm in a world of trouble. We do marinate most all meat before cooking.


I have a buddy who is a year younger than me that had Breast Cancer. He came over for din, but he is really into his diet (organic etc). When I asked wwhat I could make he said grill something. So I questioned him on this point. He said it's the high heat charring that is the issue. Certain foods at certain temps release carcinogens. But if you cook at low temp and avoid flame ups, you should be OK.

He's not a doc...but I trust his needle to be far more sensative than most when it comes to what he ingests.


7 days without beef makes one weak. Just a joke I saw at a feedlot operation my friend owns. If you don't get it you must be a vegatarian. Just another joke. Am sorry.



Don, maybe not so funny. I was close to being a vegetarian years ago. Not by choice but my husband traveled a lot and I would cook veggies for myself but seldom meat. I had an acupuncturist who was my primary care physician. He did a hair analysis and said I was so protein deprived that he was prescribing red meat at least three times a week.

Judy in Key West

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